
  • 网络As a man
  1. 因为是男人,在看到弱者受欺负的时候就得挺身而出;

    Because you area man , you should speak up when you see .

  2. 我感到不满,特别是因为钱是男人挣的。

    I feel resentful , especially as it 's the men who bring in the money ;

  3. 生活是很无奈,但我们必须继续下去,因为我们是男人!

    Life is very helpless , but we must continue , because we are the man !

  4. 运动员和坏小子吸引女人只是因为他们是男人&这里的意义是他们拥有较高的睾丸激素水平。

    Women are attracted to the jocks and bad boys simply because they are male in the sense that they have high testosterone .

  5. 这或许是因为首先是男人养成了吸烟的习惯并最先吃到了苦头。

    Smoking is still seen by many as a mainly male problem , perhaps because men were the first to take up the habit and therefore the first to suffer the ill-effects .

  6. 因为他是别的男人会听从的那种人。

    Because he was someone other men would listen to .

  7. 很遗憾你没有任何台词,因为你是个男人。

    Unfortunately you can 't have any lines , because you 're a man .

  8. 那么我到底为什么爱他呢?也许仅仅是因为他是个男人,我想。

    Then why is it that I love him ? Merely because he is masculine , I think .

  9. 女人用语言解释感受很困难,因为语言主要是男人创造,以表达男人的感受。

    It is difficult for a woman to define her feelings in a language which is chiefly made by men to express theirs .

  10. 我们与人救主形成对比,我们只有一种素质-属人的素质,因为我们是由男人成孕,由女人所生。

    In contrast to the Man-Savior , we have only one essence , the human essence , for we were conceived of man and born of woman .

  11. 因为它是女人不是男人,那也是领导者。

    Because it was the women , and not the men , that were the leaders .

  12. 所以我对自己说我要现身,因为你是个好男人。

    I said to myself I 'm just gonna show up ... because you 're a good man .

  13. 原始土鳖和童话里的公主离我远点,因为我是本时代男人。

    Original stupid and princess of fairy tale be far away from me , I 'm a moden man .

  14. 不敢相信我要说这些,因为你是一个男人这辈子能遇到的最致命的诱惑。

    I can 't believe I 'm saying this because you 're the most intoxicating woman a man could ever meet .

  15. 我高兴我不是男人,因为,倘使我是男人,就得跟女人结婚嘛。

    I am glad I am not a man , for if I was I 'd be obliged to marry a woman .

  16. 因为女人原是由男人而出、男人也由女人而出.但万有都是出乎神。

    For as the woman is of the man , even so is the man also by the woman ; but all things of God .

  17. 这个问题已经设在一个男权语境中了,因为这个问题是,男人休妻合适吗?

    We 're already in a patriarchal context because the question is phrased as , is it alright for a man to divorce his wife ?

  18. 她说妇女不应该在正朝和副朝期间穿白色的衣服,因为那是在仿效男人在朝圣期间所穿的戒衣。

    She said women should not wear white clothes during Haj and Umrah because that would be emulating the ihraam clothes that men wear during pilgrimage .