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kùn huò bù jiě
  • Confused;be at a loss;feel puzzled;be put into a sad state of perplexity;get into knots
困惑不解[kùn huò bù jiě]
  1. “但是你是怎么知道的呀?”我一副困惑不解的模样。

    " But how do you know ?" I pretended to be at a loss .

  2. 对他的答复我感到困惑不解。

    I feel puzzled at his reply .

  3. 使我困惑不解的是,这事怎么这么快就完成了。

    What beats me is how it was done so quickly .

  4. 她的答复令他们困惑不解。

    They were perplexed by her response .

  5. 政府唯一聊以自慰的是反对派与他们一样困惑不解。

    The government 's only crumb of comfort is that their opponents are as confused as they are .

  6. 我对上帝存在与否还是困惑不解。

    I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or non-existence of God

  7. 批评家仍然对英国大选的结果困惑不解。

    Critics remain puzzled by the British election results

  8. 德国政治既令他惊讶,又让他困惑不解。

    German politics surprised and confused him .

  9. 消防队员对这场火灾的起因困惑不解。

    The firemen were in a puzzle about the cause of the fire .

  10. 有一年,国王出了一个新的谜语,使所有人都困惑不解。

    One year the king made a new riddle that puzzled everyone .

  11. 这时候看门人惊奇到了困惑不解的地步。

    This time the concierge was surprised to the point of bewilderment .

  12. 他对我的问题的回答只是使我更加困惑不解。

    His answers to my questions have only added to my confusion .

  13. 这个解释很迂曲,让人困惑不解。

    The explanation was circuitous and puzzling .

  14. 对于地球变化是太阳活动引起的,还是由于行星X的存在引起的,有着很多的困惑不解。

    Confusion over whether the Earth changes are caused by activity in the Sun or by the presence of Planet X abounds .

  15. Google只提供了在线客户服务,这让许多用户感到困惑不解,难以亲近。他们为手机无法正常使用发牢骚,并认为手机的定价不合理。

    Confused or alienated by Google 's Web-only customer service , users griped that the phone didn 't work properly and was priced unfairly .

  16. 2010年联邦快递杯(FedExCup)冠军,目前职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGATour)排名第12的吉米o福瑞克对这项运动的每况愈下感到困惑不解。

    Jim Furyk , the 2010 FedEx Cup champion currently ranked No. 12 in the world on the PGA Tour , finds the decline a bit puzzling .

  17. 举例而言,像艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)这样的智者,居然会相信不需要对衍生品交易员施行任何监管,这令许多亚洲人感到困惑不解。

    For example , many Asians are genuinely bewildered that a great mind such as Alan Greenspan could believe that derivative traders did not need any regulation .

  18. 记住何时我们演奏了一点六程度黑暗的亚历克斯当整体社区是困惑不解在整体OE固件原始代码漏出?这是某事象那。

    Remember when we played a bit of Six Degrees of Dark AleX when the whole community was at a loss on the whole OE Firmware source code leakage ? This is something like that .

  19. 他对最最简单的事也会感到困惑不解。

    He could tie himself in knots over the simplest thing .

  20. 尽管她觉得害怕和困惑不解,但他的讥讽仍刺痛了她。

    Even through her fear and bewilderment , his sneer stung .

  21. 我对这个问题困惑不解有好几周了。

    I have been puzzled about the problem for several days .

  22. 人们看了觉得很神秘,困惑不解。

    There is something mysterious and puzzling about the entire painting .

  23. 这个难题使我们班所有的学生都感到困惑不解。

    This difficult question puzzled all the students in our class .

  24. 他自己过去对此也困惑不解过。

    Of course he had wondered this himself in the past .

  25. 许多西方人对此感到困惑不解。

    A lot of Occidentals feel puzzled to this question .

  26. 但是警察被锁着的大门弄得困惑不解。

    But the police were baffled by the locked gate .

  27. 历史学家一直被一些点,线和符号感到困惑不解。

    Historians have long been puzzled by dots , lines and symbols .

  28. 看上去健康、有病、苍白、困惑不解、忧伤、疲乏

    Look healthy , ill , pale , puzzled , sad , tired

  29. 我没想到会有客,我真是困惑不解。

    I wasn 't expecting a visitor . I was really thrown .

  30. 一个自开天辟地以来一直使哲学家们困惑不解的问题。

    A question that has puzzled philosophers since the beginning of time .