
  1. 其次,论述了破产财产划分的二维标准,关于破产财产时间标准的膨胀主义和固定主义;

    Secondly , it is stated the two-dimension standard dividing the bankruptcy property ;

  2. 在立法上,对破产财产时间范围的规定存在缺陷,建议采用固定主义立法原则;

    In legislating , the defect exists to the regulation of the range of bankrupt property time , propose adopting the regular legislative principle of doctrine ;

  3. 如何在先后顺位的抵押权人之间平衡公平和效率,在各国的立法例中有两种模式:抵押权的顺位固定主义和顺位升进主义。

    How to balance justice and efficiency among these mortgages , and there 're two legislation patterns of mortgage sequence : the theory of fixed sequence and the theory of promoted sequence .

  4. 为了解决冲突,必须大胆革新现行立法,作者建议,结合船舶优先权的立法理由对基金的分配顺序进行调整,同时,船舶优先权的行使应当采用次序固定主义。

    I suggest that the legislator regulate the order of the fund 's distribution afresh according to the legislative reason of the maritime lien system , and at the same time , exertion of maritime lien adopt order fixation doctrine .