
ɡù dìnɡ ɡōnɡ zī
  • fixed salary;fixed wage
  1. 例如,生产工人工资可以包括一块固定工资(固定成本)和按产量计算的奖金(变动成本)。

    For example , a production worker may be paid a fixed salary ( the fixed element ) and a bonus based on output ( the variable element ) .

  2. 利润下降可归咎于一次性的会计转变,体现出一个决策,即在私人银行家的薪酬中提高固定工资的比重,降低浮动奖金的比重。此外,利息收入降低也是一个因素。

    The drop stemmed from a one-off accounting shift , reflecting the decision to pay a higher proportion of private bankers ' compensation as fixed salary , rather than variable bonuses and lower interest income .

  3. MichaelMcGeough依靠一点微薄的固定工资过着清贫的生活。

    Michael McGeough lives a lean life on a fixed income .

  4. 这可能导致固定工资的显著提高。普华永道(PwC)人力资源咨询全球负责人乔恩特里(JonTerry)表示,这对行业的灵活性有相当大的影响。

    It could result in significant increases in fixed pay , said Jon Terry , global head of human resources consulting at PwC . It substantially affects the flexibility of the business .

  5. 其他人则从事各种工作获得固定工资。

    Others draw regular salary by holding a variety of jobs .

  6. 而加班工资通常要高于固定工资。

    And the overtime pay is usually more than the regular pay .

  7. 莎莉:我更喜欢拿固定工资。

    Sally : I prefer to work for a salary .

  8. 我没有固定工资,我的状况也不是很稳定。

    I don 't have a fixed wage and my situation is very unstable .

  9. 我拿固定工资。

    I 'm paid a regular wage .

  10. 顶尖员工开始习惯于在年底拿到数倍于固定工资的奖金。

    Top employees became accustomed to year-end bonuses that were many times their guaranteed pay .

  11. 本文模型用固定工资和成本,这个意味着水平价格也是固定的。

    The model assumes fixed wages and costs , which means that the price level is fixed .

  12. 在我们的模型中,管理者的薪酬由普通股、限制性股票和固定工资构成。

    The managerial compensation is composed of common stock , restricted stock and fixed wages in our model .

  13. 理查德固定工资为每小时一美元,加班费为每小时一个半美元。

    Richard gets one dollar for regular pay and a dollar and a half for time and a half .

  14. 为什么越来越多的公司抛弃固定工资而选择采用浮动工资?

    Why are more and more corporations turning away from fixed forms of compensation in favor of variable pay ?

  15. 除了固定工资之外,在达到销售目标的基础上提供有吸引力的奖金。

    Additionally to the fix salary , our client is willing to provide attractive bonus systems for achieving sales target .

  16. 正如有的人所说的那样,在教育机构、军队和政府部门,固定工资是惯例。

    And as someone stated , it is a common practice in many educational institutions , the military and government .

  17. 根据传统经济学的观点,工人不愿意承担风险希望得到固定工资,企业主承担风险得到利润。

    According to classic economics , employees acquire fix wages to avoid venture , and employers incur venture and gain profits .

  18. 总之,即便公司给出了固定工资,你还有其他内容可以试着与对方协商。

    That being said , there are other things that you can try and negotiate , even if salary is locked in .

  19. 随着物价不断上涨,靠固定工资收入的人们已越来越难以维持生活。

    With costs continuing to rise , people on fixed incomes are finding it increasingly difficult to keep their heads above water .

  20. 设计了最优绩效工资率、等级锦标赛中的最优工资差距以及固定工资为激励手段的最优激励契约&基于报酬的显性综合激励机制;

    Designs the optimum explicit incentive contract , which is formed by optimum performance wage rate , optimum gap among individual and the fixed salary ;

  21. 讨价还价仍在继续:欧盟各国议员如今正推动立法,降低小企业贷款的风险权重,并规定银行家奖金不得超过固定工资。

    Haggling is not over : European Parliamentarians are now pushing for lower risk-weights on small business loans and rules that banker bonuses do not exceed fixed salaries .

  22. 大多数银行家正在领取较以往更低的现金奖金和更高的固定工资,这从理论上削弱了他们为获得一次性报酬而建立过于冒险头寸的动机。

    Most bankers are taking home lower cash bonuses and higher fixed salaries , in theory limiting their incentive to take excessively risky positions in pursuit of one-off payouts .

  23. 新增问题反映出政府意图通过生成流浪、迁移、大规模失业、不固定工资、和生育率的下降等数据,来记录动荡的年代。

    New questions reflected the government 's intent on documenting the turbulent decade , by generating data on homelessness , migration , widespread unemployment , irregular salaries and fertility decline .

  24. 例如,当你根据销售人员的销售额向他们支付提成时,他们的销售额总是比你只付给他们固定工资时多。

    They clearly do . When you pay salespeople commissions based on their sales , for instance , they will always sell more than when you simply pay them a flat salary .

  25. 通过对投资人和经理人员收入的分析,认为经理人员的报酬应由固定工资和效益报酬两部分组成。

    Through an analysis of the income of the investing side and the managing side , this paper tells that the managers ' payments should be composed of fixed wages and benefit rewards .

  26. 为保护军队与军人雇佣双方专用性人力资本投资,固定工资合约优于灵活工资合约。

    In order to protect the military-specific human capital investment of both the employer ( an army ) and the employees ( the soldiers ), fixed wage contract is better than flexible wage contract .

  27. 根据企业契约理论,会计人员只是企业生产者之一,他得到合同规定的固定工资并接受单位负责人的监督。

    According to the contract theory , accountants of the enterprise are just laborers , who receive a fixed salary as stipulated by the contract and are supervised by the leaders in the work unit .

  28. 按照一些资深议员争取出台的严格新规,全欧洲银行家的奖金将不得超过他们的固定工资。新规是为了平息公众针对金融部门薪酬的持续怒火。

    Bankers ' bonuses across Europe would be capped at no more than their fixed salaries under strict new curbs sought by senior law makers in response to continued public anger over financial sector pay .

  29. 包括银行业游说人士在内的批评人士表示,银行自会绕开新规,要么提高固定工资水平,要么找到其他途径,避免使用新规中的相关词语,向员工提供酬劳。

    Critics , including bank lobbyists , say banks will circumvent the spirit of the changes by increasing fixed salaries or finding other methods of remunerating staff that avoid the specific wording of the new rules .

  30. 对固定工资契约、分成契约和税收计划契约进行比较研究,可以看出税收计划契约是一个能有效地节约交易成本的契约安排,因而也是在现有条件下税务机关做出的一个理性选择。

    We makes a comparative study on fixed wage contract , share contract and revenue task contract and comes to the conclusion that revenue task contract is a rational choice at present because the contract can effectively save transaction costs .