
  1. GB/T14885-1994固定资产分类与代码

    Classification and codes for fixed assets

  2. 保持良好的固定资产分类档案管理系统;按照财务总监制定的固定资产盘点时间表协助盘点。

    To maintain documentary files of fixed assets by categories ; to assist in inventory counts of fixed assets as per schedule established by the Financial Controller .

  3. 在不同的会计准则中协调固定资产的分类和折旧。

    Reconcile fixed asset classification and depreciation among alternative GAAPs .

  4. 固定资产动态折旧的分类模型与通用模型构建

    Construction of classified models and general models for dynamic depreciation of fixed assets

  5. 在分析高校固定资产的特点、分类以及日常管理的基础上,提出依靠固定资产业务控制制度,提出高校资产管理水平的相关举措。

    Based on the analysis of the character , classification and daily management of the fixed assets in colleges , the article raises some measures to improve the management of assets in colleges with the help of the system of controlling the fixed assets .