
  • 网络the chinese civil war
  1. 在调处过程中,东北若停战,则关内相安无事,东北若大打,关内就容易兵戎相见,东北内战是国共内战的缩影也是影响全局的关键。

    In the mediation process , the Northeast if the truce is related , live together peacefully , if they strike violently , China can easily meet on the battleground , the northeast is the key of the Chinese civil war and civil war miniature is affecting the overall situation .

  2. 1946年6月,国共内战全面爆发,民盟的调停功能逐渐弱化。

    In June 1946 , comprehensive civil war between the KMT and the CPC mediation function gradually weakening .

  3. 美苏冷战、国共内战对中国国际地位的影响(1945-1949)

    The Influence of Chinese Civil War and the Cold War on China s International Status ( 1945-1949 );

  4. 抗战胜利后,中国迎来了一个新的阶段&国共内战。

    After winning the War of Resistance , there coming a new stage for China & the general civil war period .

  5. 国共内战是战后中国的主题,双方的争夺始于东北,《观察》对此给予格外的关注。

    At that time , KMT-CPC civil war that started from the contest in northeast China was the main postwar theme .

  6. 司徒雷登在第二次国共内战期间任美国驻华大使。

    John Leighton Stuart was the US Ambassador to China during the Second Civil War between the KMT and the CPC .

  7. 中国国共内战期间,她在监狱度过了九个月,之后提供了一份出生证明,证明自己不是中国人,而是日本人。

    As nationalist and Communist forces fought in China 's civil war , she spent nine months in prison before she could produce a copy of her birth certificate , proving she was not Chinese but Japanese .

  8. 司徒雷登与国共内战(1946&1949)论党在延安时期构建和谐社会的实践经验和启示

    John Leighton Stuart and the Civil War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China ( 1946-1949 ) On the Practical Experience of Structuring the Harmonious Society in the Yan ′ an Period by Communist Party of China

  9. 这些自由知识分子群体的议政有着明确的目标:为中国社会重建重心,以此调动社会各阶层的力量,扭转因国共内战带来的国家危机,将国家引向正常的发展轨道。

    This wave of movement was characterized by a clear-cut aim : to reconstruct the centre of society in order to mobilize the forces at all social levels , reverse the adversity brought about by the civil war and direct China onto the right track .

  10. 新经济政策是阎锡山在抗日战争时期和国共第二次内战时期推行的重要经济政策,它不同于之前实行的一般经济政策,有其独特之处,其主要通过实行统制经济的方式克服战时经济困境。

    The New Economic Policy of Yan Xishan is an important economic policy during the Anti-Japanese War and the second Civil War , which is different from that before the implementation of the general economic policy , in particular it overcame wartime economic difficulties through the controlled economy .