
  1. 第三节将国家与市场这一典型的国际政治经济学分析角度,引入到地区主义的研究当中。

    The third section uses the IPE framework to analyze regionalism .

  2. 福利私营化改革过程中的国家与市场

    State and Market in the Process of the Reformation of the Welfare Privatization

  3. 从国家与市场经济角度探讨经济法调整对象

    Probe into Regulative Objects of Economic Law through Exploring the Functions of the Government and the Market

  4. 国家与市场关系变迁过程中&我国竞技篮球的市场化转变

    The Market Changes of Chinese Competitive Basketball in the Process of Relationship Transition between Country and Market

  5. 地方政府在处理国家与市场的关系时,自觉或不自觉地在其间周旋,起到了平衡协调的作用。

    Local government consciously or unconsciously played a role on balancing the relationship between the state and the market .

  6. 反思了国家与市场的界限究竟应该如何划分这一值得思考的话题。

    The historic lessons are worthwhile rethinking about how to find out the boundary between the State and market .

  7. 首先对15世纪末期以来西方关于国家与市场经济的经济学理论沿革作简要回顾;

    It reviews the evolution of economic theories concerning the state and market economy in the West since the 15th century .

  8. 本文从国家与市场两个向度分析乡村社会的变迁动力,并操作化为农村社会个体化的三个阶段,即农田个人主义经营、权利本位和农村社会福利建设三个阶段。

    The changing rural society can be operated into the three stages , namely , individualism farmland management , rights-oriented and rural social welfare development .

  9. 在国家与市场的关系中,国家更多处于退让姿态,而放任市场力量的影响。

    In the relation between the state and the market , the former takes on the trend of exit and let free the market force .

  10. 可以说,心理咨询在中国的兴起是社会个体化转型的产物,而其发展则是国家与市场合谋的结果。

    It comes to a conclusion that the rise of counseling is the result of individualization of Chinese society , and a conspiracy of market and government .

  11. 以国家与市场良性互动和最佳契合为自身出发点和规范对象,经济法合理构建了国家权力作用经济生活的基本法律秩序。

    Taking the rational cooperation between state and market as its starting point and controlling object , economic law establishes a basic legal order of economic intervention by state .

  12. 本文从国家与市场的关系的角度出发,首先介绍了我国有关法规对我国证券市场股权结构的制度安排;

    In this paper , depending on the relations between country and market , it introduces the institutional arrangement of China stock market structure according to the laws and regulations .

  13. 在国家与市场的政治经济安排上,现实主义主张政治决定经济,权力统制市场,市场经济服从和服务于国家权力的需要,现实主义者追求国家利益最大化,其基本价值观是国家权力至上。

    Realists propose that politics decides economy and power dominates market . Their goal is to pursue maximization of national interests , and their basic value is supremacy of sovereignty .

  14. 运用相关经济学和法学理论,从国家与市场经济的角度对经济法调整对象进行深入研究。

    This article is intended to probe into regulative objects of economic law by discussing the functions of the government and the market through economic theories and legal theories concerned .

  15. 不过由于国家与市场等现实条件的制约,东盟经济一体化在近期内难以取得突破性的进展。

    This paper argues that , due to the restriction of the nations and markets conditions , no breakthrough development will be happened in the near futures for ASEAN economic integration .

  16. 清季之机械工业是在国家与市场的双重引导下发展的。然而,清政府对产业的引导十分低效,且随着清廷国势日衰,市场逐渐成为主导性力量。

    However , the guide of Qing government was very inefficient , especially with the declining of the government power , market gradually dominated the development of the machinery industry alone .

  17. 1978年以来,我国相继进行了各个领域的改革,重构了国家与市场、国家与社会的关系,从而为各类民办组织的生存与发展提供了广阔的空间。

    Since 1978 , with the reforms in various fields and the reconfiguration for the relationship between state and market , as well as the relationship between state and society in China , it provides a broad place for diverse Non-Governmental Organizations .

  18. 资本主义基本矛盾运动机制在当代发生了新的变化,形成了垄断与竞争并存、国家与市场并存的新机制。

    In the modern society , a new change has been brought to the development mechanism of the fundamental contradiction of capitalism . And a new mechanism has come into being , which is characterized by the co-existence of monopoly and competition and the co-existence of countries and markets .

  19. G7峰会偶尔会影响美元的方向或者富裕国家与新兴市场之间的关系,但是更多情况下,它只是发布一些类似于止痛剂一样的公告,那些公告也很快就被会被人们抛诸脑后。

    The G7 occasionally influenced the direction of the dollar or the relations between rich countries and the emerging markets , but more often it issued anodyne , forgettable communiqu é s.

  20. 中国要应对经济全球化的挑战、适应WTO的客观需要,必须在权力架构上进行重整,即要通过法律界定国家权力与市场的关系、国家权力与WTO的关系。

    To deal with the challenge of economic globalization , to suit the objective requirement of WTO , China must rearrange the power skeleton , namely , use the law to inspect the relation of the state power and the market , the relation of the state power and WTO .

  21. 同时以IPE对民族国家与世界市场的理解为切入点对自由主义、重商主义、新马克思主义和生态女权主义这四种理论予以了简要的分析。重商主义和大庄园制度盛行,缺乏统一的经济联系;

    Finally , it analyzes briefly four theories including liberalism , mercantile system , Neo-Marxism , Eco-feminism from the perspective of nation-state and market in IPE . prevailing mercantile system and latifundism made the land lack unified economic connections ;

  22. 对偶理论在国家干预与市场调节相结合分析中的应用

    An Application of Duality Theory in the Analysis of Combination of Nation Intervention and Market Regulation

  23. 在这个关头,工业化国家与新兴市场决策者所面临的挑战看起来有所不同。

    At this juncture , the challenge for policymakers looks different in industrialised countries and emerging markets .

  24. 工业化国家与新兴市场国家之间潜在增长率的差距正在扩大。

    The gap in potential growth between the industrialised countries and the emerging market countries is widening .

  25. 从科技革命和国家干预与市场机制关系的视角总结英国国有化和私有化运动的历史启示。

    I give new orientations and evaluations to nationalization and privatization policy from the view of the relationship of state and market and technological revolution .

  26. 要想在一定程度上解决全球化在世界经济体系中造成的紧张关系,特别是发达国家与新兴市场国家之间的紧张关系,目前有两种方式。

    There are two ways to address some of the tensions that globalisation is producing in the world economy , particularly between advanced and emerging market countries .

  27. 论间接宏观控制体系中的国家、企业与市场

    The state , enterprise and market in the indirect macroeconomic control system

  28. 现代市场经济是国家有效干预与市场机制的有机结合。

    Modern market economy is the effective combination of state intervention with market mechanism .

  29. 新兴市场国家与地区证券市场开放增长效应的条件研究

    An Analysis of the Prerequisites of the Positive Growth Effects of Stock Market Liberalization

  30. 东亚国家与全球金融市场一体化研究

    Empirical Analysis on the Process of Financial Integration into World Financial Markets in East Asia