
ɡuó jì cái tuán
  • international consortium
  1. 这笔交易是山东如意最新的境外收购行动。2012年,该公司曾牵头一个国际财团以2.32亿美元买下澳大利亚库比棉花农场(CubbieStation)。

    The deal is the latest international foray by Shandong Ruyi , which in 2012 led an international consortium to buy Cubbie Station , an Australian cotton farm , for $ 232m .

  2. 相同的顾虑在印度南部的班加罗尔也得到了回应,在那里,由西门子(Siemens)牵头的一个国际财团投资兴建的一座亟需的新机场刚刚建成开业。

    The same concerns are echoed in Bangalore in India 's south , where a Siemens-led consortium has just opened a much-needed new airport .

  3. BOT是英文Build-Operate-Transfer的缩写,译意为建设经营转让,是政府将一个基础设施项目的特许权授予承包商(一般为国际财团)。

    BOT ( Build-Operate-Transfer ) is a type of project financing , through which the contractors ( often financial groups ) get the concession of public infrastructure projects from local government .

  4. 日立牵头的国际财团没有中国企业参加。

    Hitachi is leading an international consortium which has no Chinese role .

  5. 珠海投资环境日臻完善,为国际财团投资提供了广阔的空间。

    The investment environment in Zhuhai is improving daily , providing broad areas for investment by international consortia .

  6. 水射流技术的研究与开发,日益受到许多国家和国际财团的重视。

    Many countries and consortia are paying more and more attention to the development and exploitation of the technology of the water jet .

  7. 空中客车国际财团为了给乘客提供更多的空间,计划将饮食推车放置底层舱,由自动传送带及升降机将饮食车送至两层乘客舱。

    To make more room for passengers , Airbus plans to put the carts in the lower hold ; automatic conveyors and elevators will deliver them to the two passenger decks .

  8. 日本家族计划国际协力财团

    Japan Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning

  9. 国际通信卫星财团国际通信卫星联合组织

    International Communications Satellite Consortium

  10. 一个由国际投资者组成的财团也和中粮集团共同参与了这一交易。该财团包括由前高盛(GoldmanSachs)“造雨人(rainmaker)”方风雷领导的中国私募股权基金厚朴基金管理公司(HopuInvestmentManagement)。

    A consortium of international investors including Hopu , a Chinese private equity fund led by former Goldman Sachs rainmaker Fang Fenglei , are joining Cofco in the deal .