
  1. 《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事。

    The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures .

  2. 前往西天取经的唐僧师徒四人中最不起眼,最不受人注目的是沙僧。

    Monk Sha is the most common one of four teachers and prentices who go for lections in the west .

  3. 观音让我在此等待去西天取经的唐僧师父。

    Quan Yin told me I should wait here for my master to pilgrimage to the West for Buddhist Sutra .

  4. 《西游记》中的白龙马是不为人所重视的,但在西天取经过程中却少不了这个配角。

    White-dragon-horse in the book of " Traveling to the West " is always ignored by the people , but a character not lacking of .

  5. 这个广为流传的故事讲述了一只石猴保护一位僧人前往西天取经的救赎故事。

    In the well-known story , a monkey born out of a stone protects a monk on his journey to the West as atonement for his past sins .

  6. 但在网民改写的新版本中,这只猴子在帮助唐僧西天取经后变成了一块石头。

    But the new version by an Internet user sees the monkey turn into a stone after he helps the monk travel all the way to the East .

  7. 杨景贤的大型连台本杂剧《西游记》将民间流传的唐僧西天取经故事搬上戏曲舞台。

    For the first time , Yang Jingxian 's fullength drama with many acts adapted from the folktale of the Tang monk acquiring scriptures was put on the stage .

  8. 其中困扰着研究者的大闹天宫与西天取经的矛盾,是人类自由精神和秩序精神矛盾统一的具体体现。

    The contradiction , his action between making trouble in the heavenly palace and seeking Buddhist Scripture , gives expression to the contradiction between the spirit of freedom and order .

  9. 由此,才引出了孙悟空大闹天空,以致后来收服悟空,让他帮助唐僧去西天取经的故事。

    Later , many things happened because of this monkey : it raised havoc in the heavens , and was subdued and asked to assist Tang Priest to fetch scriptures from the Western Heaven .

  10. 整部《西游记》讲述了美猴王护送唐三藏去西天取经的故事,这一取经之旅同时也是猴王寻求救赎和启示之道的旅程。

    Monkey : Journey to The West tells the story of Monkey King 's quest for redemption and enlightenment as he accompanies the monk Tripitaka to bring the sacred Buddhist scrolls back from India .

  11. 《西游记》西天取经故事的人物行为功能模式由有感于生命现状,自东向西的行进旅程和灵山见佛修成正果三个环节构成。

    In the novel " The Pilgrimage to the West ", the characters ' behavioral function mode is made up of three links : the feeling about the life reality , the long journey west and the meeting with Buddha .

  12. 游戏介绍:唐僧师徒在西天取经的路上遇到了圣诞老人,他们居然打了起来,汗啊,咱们还是帮帮唐僧吧,好歹也是一国的嘛。

    Tsang teacher in the scriptures : game on the road to face Santa Claus , they actually fought with each other , Khan ah , our journey to the west or to help the bar , the danger is even a country .

  13. 其实在历史上,还真有这么一个去“西天”取经的唐僧。

    The novel is a collection of legends , but in history there really was such a monk .