
  1. 然而,由于信奉巫术的传统,中国哲学家们“爱智慧”(小编注:“哲学”的英文philosophy源自希腊语,意为“爱智慧”)并不像西方哲学家们那样纯粹的。

    However , because of their unique identity as sorcerers , Chinese philosophers were not merely pursuing knowledge out of a pure " love of wisdom " as did their western counterparts .

  2. 笛卡尔以后,几乎所有伟大的西方哲学家都对主体问题进行了深刻的探讨。

    Almost every great occident philosopher discussed this problem after Descartes .

  3. 隐喻一直是西方哲学家和思想家研究的焦点。

    Metaphor has always been a focus of study for western philosophers and thinkers .

  4. 现代西方哲学家的自然观

    Nature-views of contemporary western philosophers

  5. 西方哲学家自柏格森开始,就展开了社会开放理论的构建,莫里斯、波普尔、索罗斯等人都分别提出了自己的开放理论。

    Starting from Bergson , western philosophers such as Morris , Popper and Soros created their open theories .

  6. 西方哲学家先于科学发展领悟到了物质世界的普遍联系。

    Prior to the development of science , Western philosophers grasped the general connections of the physical world .

  7. 德国的现代西方哲学家们把世界理解为一种精神的存在、它的本质是历史世界。

    German philosophers in modern time believed that world being as spirit and was a historical world in nature .

  8. 不管是古代,还是近现代的西方哲学家建构自己的理论,无不涉及理性这一哲学问题。

    Whether ancient or modern , Western philosophers construct their own theory , all involving the philosophical ontology of rationality .

  9. 本文认为,在近代以前,目的论是西方哲学家理解世界和历史的主导性思维模式。

    This text thinks that , teleology is the dominant mode of thinking of the western philosophies before modern times .

  10. 围绕道德的普遍客观性问题,当代西方哲学家们的各种不同观点引发了当代伦理学中的实在论与反实在论的论战。

    Various views of generality of impersonal moral fundamentals by Western philosophers aroused debate between realism and anti-realism in recent ethics .

  11. 这一点正如西方哲学家美学家威廉·沃林格所言的“抽象与移情无至尽的圈式循环”一样。

    Just as what is ever pointed by western philosophy Wilhelm Worringer that there is endless recycles between abstract and empathy .

  12. 在历史上,艺术的本质是美的这一假定,是18世纪的西方哲学家局限于自己的时代而得出的一个以偏概全的结论。

    Historically , this assumption is an overgeneralization made by the Western philosophers in the 18th century limited within their own times .

  13. 心灵哲学是当代西方哲学家关注的重心和热点之一,塞尔称之为第一哲学。常识人的概念图式是普通大众在描述、解释和预言人时所使用的概念框架,它代表着常识的入学观。

    Philosophy of mind is one of the focuses western philosophers concerned , John Searle calls it " the first philosophy " .

  14. 现代西方哲学家们打碎了乐观主义的迷梦,将发达资本主义社会人生存的真实状态描述为一场悲剧。

    Breaking shadowy dream of optimism , Modern western philosophy describes people 's true life state in capitalist society as a tragedy .

  15. 为重建哲学真理,现代西方哲学家提出了四种主要方法:分析方法、辩证方法、现象学方法和结构方法。

    In order to reconstruct philosophical truth , modern western philosophers developed four major methods : analytical , dialectical , phenomenological , and structural .

  16. 现代西方哲学家所说的生活只是指人的日常的精神生活,其生活世界仍然是一个抽象世界;

    The life in the eyes of modern western philosophers only refers to the daily spiritual life of man , its life-world being an abstract world .

  17. 西方哲学家海德格尔和维特根斯坦也对这一问题给予关注,前者认为语言的本质是诗,应恢复语言原初的多义性,隐喻性;

    Heidegger and Wittgenstein also focused on this question , Heidegger thought the best language is that of poem , people should restore to the original state ;

  18. 先秦道家可以同现代西方哲学家在同等层次上进行对话,双方的思想和智慧也能够达到相互的汇通。

    Taoists in Pre-qin could talk with modern West philosophers at the coequal level and the thoughts and wisdom of both side could communicate with each other .

  19. 但在不少现代西方哲学家眼中,黑格尔对辨证法所作的种种理性说明基本上是无效的,黑格尔的思辨理性因此而难逃非理性主义曲解的命运。

    But for many contemporary western philosophers , Hegel 's illustration on the dialectics is basically invalid , hence his speculative reason is doomed to be misinterpreted .

  20. 哲学和修辞的关系可以说从未停止过争论,自柏拉图后的历代西方哲学家几乎都在他的影响下拒斥修辞学。

    The relationship between philosophy and rhetoric can be described never stopped arguing since the ancient Western philosophers after Plato almost all under the influence of his rejection of rhetoric .

  21. 19世纪末20世纪初语言哲学成为哲学研究的中心,西方哲学家通常把这一转变称为语言转向,有人把它形容为一场哥白尼式的革命。

    Over the last century or so the philosophy of language has become the pivotal area of philosophy , which is known as " linguistic turn ", the Copernicus revolution .

  22. 当今前沿科学成果为唯物主义的进一步发展提供了可借鉴实证材料,当代西方哲学家对心智现象的种种认识为马克思主义哲学的发展也提供了深深地启示。

    Latest and most appropriate scientific fruits provide for materialism useful empirical data to advance , and contemporary western philosophers ' cognition on mental phenomenon present inspiration for developing Marxism philosophy .

  23. 从是能否推出应当的休谟问题,经一些西方哲学家的论证,变成价值判断决不能从事实判断中推导出来的休谟法则。

    Based on the proofs from some western philosophers , whether a " should be " can be inferred from a " be ", has become a law deprived from the inference towards the judgement on the facts .

  24. 西方哲学家是通过否定人的有限存在来寻求对生命有限性超越的解决,而中国古代哲学家则是从承认人的有限存在,并在人的有限性存在中寻求对这一问题的解决。

    The Western philosophers sought to solve this problem by denial of the life limit of human beings , while Chinese ancient philosophers did it by admitting the limited existence of human beings and looking for the solutions within the limit .

  25. 通过分析比较叔本华、尼采等西方哲学家对悲剧精神的不同理解或诠释,阐明了作者本人的悲剧观:悲剧的本质不是悲观主义,而是乐观主义;

    Through analysing and comparing of the different comprehension or annotation of Spirit of Tragedy presented by Schopenhauer , Nietzsche and some other western philosophers , the author expounds his own opinion on it : Essence of Tragedy is not pessimism , but optimism .

  26. 马克思在哲学上实现革命变更和西方哲学家所进行的从近代哲学到现代哲学的转型都受到自然科学的这种划时代的变革的深刻影响,并以这种影响为重要的理论背景。

    Both the revolutionary change in philosophy practised by Karl Marx and the transformation from modern philosophy to contemporary philosophy practised by western philosophers were deeply influenced under such epoch-making changes of natural sciences , and both of which took such influences as the important theoretical background .

  27. 西方古典哲学家论模糊性的本质

    On the essence of fuzziness in the light of western classical philosophers

  28. 首先,研究了西方政治哲学家和经济学家关于政府责任的理论。

    Firstly , the study of Western political philosophers and economists ' theories on governmental responsibility .

  29. 附录列有442位古今西方著名哲学家的生平简介及主要著作;

    In the appendix , the editors list the brief introductions and main works of442 famous western philosophers .

  30. 西方科学哲学家苏珀关于科学论文结构的哲学分析成果,引起了学术界相关争论。

    This paper introduces the scientific philosopher Suppes opinion about the structure of scientific papers and other philosophers'comments on it .