
tuī jiū
  • examine;study;inquire into and study
推究 [tuī jiū]
  • (1) [examine;study]∶审问查究

  • 推究他是怎样犯错误的

  • (2) [inquire into and study]∶推求研究。仔细探索和检查 [原因、道理等]

  • 推究事理

推究[tuī jiū]
  1. 标准(standard)的爱情课程将会推究情感关系(Relationship)为什么如此复杂(complicated),以及相互之间的吸引为什么起起落落。

    A typical course , in love , will explore why relationships are so complicated and why attraction ebbs and flows .

  2. 推究起来,甚至在野外的广阔天地都有规矩。

    Even the great outdoors has rules , it turns out .

  3. 这相当自私,推究起来是保护主义。

    That is pretty selfish and philosophically it is protectionism .

  4. 详细地推究事物之间的细微差别,如同义词之间的差别。

    Mark fine distinctions and subtleties , as among words .

  5. 柏拉图和亚理士多德曾经推究了记忆和思想。

    Plato and Aristotle speculated on memory and thought .

  6. 差距与转变&知识产权视角下的推究与反思

    Disparity and change & intellectual property rights angle of view reason and reconsidering

  7. 他的论据无力,经不起推究。

    His weak arguments won 't bear examination .

  8. 而身处延安的作家面临着社会文化的巨大转型,他们自身的转型及完成可以说是一个典型的文化事刊,值得我们细细推究。

    Nevertheless , writers inside of Yan'an confronted the huge transformation in society and culture .

  9. 以哲学家的方式推究。

    To speculatein a philosophical manner .

  10. 尽管研究人员只是推究了绿茶的短时间功效,但维拉科珀罗斯称,他们的研究表示,这种保护功效是长期的。

    While the researchers looked only at a short-term impact , Vlachopolous said the team 's studies suggest the protection is long lasting .

  11. 承接第二部分的现状分析,从观念基础和运行基础两方面来推究审查逮捕听证程序的可行性。

    Undertake the second part of the present condition analysis , from concept basis and operating base to speculative the feasibility of hearing procedure of review arrested .

  12. 答案当然是取决于每个人的外在条件,环境与背景,但是照理推究这外在的条件在大环境下仍有很多的相似处,所以变数也可被简化。

    The answers of course depend on where one is living , but in general it is reasonable to imagine that the variables are not that huge .

  13. 分层教学在该院“机械制造工艺及设备”专业学生中进行了实践探索,从而进一步验证和推究了其科学性。

    Classified teaching has been applied in Mechanical Manufacture Technique and Instrument major of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College , and it has proved workable in practice .

  14. 他也许认为某些问题是应当留待大智大慧的人去探讨的,他自己如果推究太深,于心反而不安。

    He would probably have felt a scruple at sounding too far in advance certain problems which are , in a manner , reserved for terrible great minds .

  15. 在梳理西方翻译研究发展历史的基础上,寻找译者地位的变迁的轨迹,并试图推究其产生的原因。

    The paper , based on the history of translation studies , explores the trace of translators ' status , and tries to analyse the reason of it .

  16. 本论文以佛教思想为切入点,推究刘长卿接受佛教思想的原因,阐述佛教思想对他诗歌创作的影响。

    This thesis takes the Buddhism thought as a breakthrough point , studying reasons of Liu Changqing accepting Buddhism thought , elaborates the influence which the Buddhism thought bring to his poetry creation .

  17. 推究缘由,深层原因是他对儒家伦理理想的追求和严格的道德自律,导致现实参政能力的缺乏;

    Speculating on the reason , We draw the conclusion that the interior reason was his pursuing on the ethical ideal of Confucianism and his rigorous self-discipline , which resulted in his lack of the realistic ability to come into power .

  18. 在仔细推究其基本含义之后,文章进一步探讨了布雷德伯里理论的两个主要组成部分,即他有关小说的双重性和现实主义的论述。

    After a close examination of the basic implications of Bradbury 's poetics , the paper proceeds to discuss his views on the generic duality of the novel and his views on realism , which form part and parcel of his theory .

  19. 我们如何推究这种奇异的自我分裂,这种梦境高峰的崩溃呢,它可不是由于酒神的魔力吗?这种魔力虽则表面上掀起梦境情绪,使它达到顶点,却能够强迫过分的梦境力量为它服务。

    How must we derive this curious internal bifurcation , this blunting of the Apollinian point , if not from the Dionysian magic that , though apparently exciting the Apollinian emotions to their highest pitch , still retains the power to force into its service his excess of Apollinian force ?