
  1. 在墨西哥、葡萄牙、意大利、斯洛伐克等国家博士产出也增长很快。

    PhD production sped up most dramatically in Mexico , Portugal , Italy and Slovakia .

  2. 目前,似乎只有个别发展迅速的新兴国家博士供给不足,比如巴西和中国。

    Only a few fast-developing countries , such as Brazil and China , now seem short of PhDs .

  3. 本文研究课题源于国家教委博士点基金项目人工智能基础理论(泛符号主义)研究(98069923)和国家863项目生产计划与实时优化调度系统(2002AA412020)。

    This paper came from Ph. D foundation program of Ministry of Education , Research on Basic Theories ( Universal Symbolism ) of Artificial Intelligence ( 98069923 ) . and national 863 program , Attemper Systems of Produce Plan and Real Time Optimization ( 2002AA412020 ) .

  4. 2002年她获国家优秀博士生奖学金。

    In2002 , she won the National Award for Distinguished Doctorates .

  5. 在大多数国家,博士学位是进入学术界的门槛,进入独立研究某个领域的敲门砖,也是与导师合作的研究成果。

    In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia . It is an introduction to the world of independent research - a kind of intellectual masterpiece , created by an apprentice in close collaboration with a supervisor .

  6. 本文是国家教育部博士点基金项目“粘性流体在叶片泵内的流动机理研究”的一部分。

    The dissertation is part of the Doctoral Scientific Fund Project of the Ministry of Education of China .

  7. 建校以来,已为国家培养了博士、硕士研究生、本专科毕业生64000余名。

    Since its foundation , the University has trained more that 64 000 students with doctoral , master or bachelor degrees .

  8. 在1998年至2006年,经合组织国家颁发的博士学位数量增长了40%,同时美国增长了22%。

    Between 1998 and 2006 the number of doctorates handed out in all OECD countries grew by 40 % , compared with 22 % for America .

  9. 1949年获法国国家科学研究中心博士学位。

    In 1949 , he got his national doctor 's degree of France .

  10. 国家图书馆如何加强博士学位论文的开发与利用

    How to Intensify the Development and Utilization of Doctoral Dissertations in the National Library of China

  11. 我几乎到过世界上的每个国家;我的博士学位是有关国际教育。

    I 've been to nearly every country in the world ; my doctorate is in international education .

  12. 2008年,中国超过美国成为世界培养博士最多的国家,而中国博士的数量还在继续快速增长。

    China overtook the US in 2008 as the world 's biggest producer of PhDs , and the number has continued to grow rapidly .

  13. 研究这个化石的苏格兰国家博物馆的弗雷泽博士说,这种动物应该存在于瑟斯博士写的儿童故事书中,这些书描绘的动物混杂了一堆奇怪的容貌特征。

    Dr Nick Fraser of National MuseumsScotland , who worked on the fossil , said it belongs in the pages of achildren 's storybook by Dr Seuss , which depicts animals with a strange jumbleof features .

  14. 相对于我国高校严格的博士生指导教师任职资格制度,欧美国家的高校对博士生导师任职资格考核更注重于教师的学术水平、指导能力和取得科研项目和科研经费的能力。

    Compared to the rigid tenure qualification system in China , higher education in European and American countries pays more attention to the directors ' academic quality , directing capability , and ability to obtain scientific research funding .