- 网络national climate center;National Climate Centre

Hu Guoquan , a senior scientist at the Beijing-based National Climate Centre , welcomes the study , saying it highlights the uncertainties of IPCC models .
Global Air Temperature Will Continue to go up in the next 100 years & An Interview Report With Xu Ying , Deputy Director of Laboratory for Climate Change National Climate Centre China Meteorological Administration
The k-distribution water cloud optical properties parameterization method , four-stream spherical harmonic function algorithm and solar radiation in longwave region are applied in National Climate Center atmospheric general circulation model called BCC_AGCM2.0.1 .
Products of monthly dynamic extended range forecast ( DERF ) on Three Gorges Engineering were evaluated by using three score methods .
A global 4-dimensional ocean data assimilation system and the studies on its results in the tropic Pacific
An Approach and Its Tests to Improve Simulated Summer Rainfall Fields of National Climate Center Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model
The public can search prediction results and their real-time updates on the official websites of the National Climate Center and local meteorological authorities .
The precipitation forecast result in flood season of the last 10 years in Sichuan Basin is evaluated and compared with the NCC forecast result .
Using the monthly precipitation data at 160 stations in China during the period of 1951-2000,16 stations are selected as representative stations in South China .
This technique has been developed in a joint study between the China 's National Climate Center and the United States ' National Climatic Data Center .
Chao Qingchen , the vice director of the National Climate Center says China needs to be concerned about the extreme weather caused by El Nino .
Dong Wenjie , of the Beijing Climate Centre , told Chinese media that " the La Ni ? A weather will last until the summer of 2008 , with a medium to strong intensity " .
The relationships are analyzed between the annual runoff of two embranchments of the Aksu River and all 74 circulation indexes of the former year published by the Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Division of the National Climate Center .
The verification results show that the NCC AGCM can pretty well simulate the large scale characteristics of the atmosphere such as the temperature , the geopotential height , the wind field and so on . The simulation of the precipitation has relatively large error .
In 2005 , offshore wind energy attracted wide coverage from the domestic press . Accord - ing to the monitoring result from the state climate center , Chinas offshore wind energy resource is estimated at 750 million kilowatt , three times that much on land .
The super strong El Nino officially came to an end in May . But the lingering effects of El Nino will continue to cause larger rainfall and the possibility of severe flooding in China 's coastal regions remains , warned Zhou Bing , chief engineer of the National Climate Center .
That 's according to Eileen Shea , chief of the Climate Services Division of NOAA 's National Climatic Data Center .
Perhaps the final word came from two american scientists at the national climatic data centre in north carolina recently .
The National Climatic Data Center also says high temperatures in June added to the warmest twelve-month period on record . Recordkeeping began in eighteen ninety-five .
Experts say Americans can expect to pay higher insurance s as a result of this year 's flooding . The U.S. already has reported about $ 5 billion in weather related damage this year -- a pace , the National Climactic Data Center says , could the previous record of $ 9 billion in 2008 .