- 名state jurisdiction

Through the comparative analysis on the disputes resolution arising from Cross-boarder Equity Transfers in English legal system , we noticed that such jurisdiction are in a trend expanding their domestic jurisdiction form their legislation and adjudication .
The state 's criminal jurisdiction is the power to punish crime .
Part 2 refers to the definition of the national criminal jurisdiction .
On the State 's Criminal Jurisdiction Stipulated by Law
On Coordination of Conflict and National Jurisdiction of Taxation
This paper emphasizes on the related legal problems of the jurisdiction for taxing E-commerce .
Study on National Criminal Jurisdiction
National jurisdiction at sea is an important part of national jurisdiction and a new development of national sovereignty under modern law system of the sea .
Number " 2 " refers that transnational taxpayers of FDI bear double or multiple taxation due to the overlap of two or more counrties ' tax jurisdiction .
National criminal jurisdiction is a specific embodiment of national power , which is the power that country adopts legislative , judicial and administrative methods to control a crime in short .
The jurisdiction of the ICC provided in the Roman Statute has a distinct character compared with the jurisdiction of national criminal litigation , and that of the prior International Criminal Tribunals .
It is still a firm precondition to rank E-commerce in the legal system of international taxing and to regard and strengthen the governmental Jurisdiction for Taxing , and any reorganization on current system and theory should promote this precondition , can 't be contrary .
The rapid development of e-commerce , proposing assaulting and challenges , such as traditional tax revenue system , taxation principle , taxation key element and state revenues jurisdiction followed for many years to people , the tax revenue loss question of online trade is outstanding day by day .
The water over which a nation exercises sovereign jurisdiction .
Roberta : So if we committed a crime right here , right now , which country would have jurisdiction ?
Parallel proceeding has been one of the most important ways to resolve the disputes of jurisdiction between two court of different country .
In cases of the parallel lawsuit of divorce , the judicial explanation of our country stipulates that the court of our country has always the right to administer .
Some countries believe the universal jurisdiction is a powerful weapon in the punishment of international crimes as well as making up the deficiencies of the traditional jurisdiction , some countries take rejective attitude toward the universal jurisdiction .
Protective Principle is one of the criteria for the decision of the space limits of criminal law , which bases on the defense ' right of Sovereignty in the international law and historically origin from Germany 's doctrine and Italian Middle Ages jurisprudence .
The ownership of the underwater cultural relics specified in Paragraphs ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of Article 2 of these Regulations shall reside in the state and the state shall exercise jurisdiction over them ;
It is a national territorial jurisdiction extended out from national sovereignty , it is expansion and extension of coastal states territorial jurisdiction beyond territorial waters , it is an exception of high seas freedom principle .
The second chapter is the extraterritorial legislation of the civil jurisdiction objection system , mainly introduces the system of the extraterritorial representative countries , such as France , Germany , and the United State , simultaneously analyzing the system of the extraterritorial representative countries .
From the theoretic aspects this paper mainly introduces the restrictions on state sovereignty stem from treaties , customs and general principles of law . From the realistic aspects this paper mainly presents the restriction on countries territorial jurisdiction and judicial jurisdiction .
In order to share the achievement of economic globalization , the country have to transfer part sovereignty in economic management , policy decision and jurisdiction .
On the problem of states engaging in tortuous acts , the author mainly studies the determination of tortuous acts and the elements of exercising of jurisdiction over state tortuous acts .