
  • 网络State-Owned Property Rights;state property;state property rights
  1. 国有产权交易中合理定价问题的分析

    The analysis of rational pricing in the transaction of state-owned property rights

  2. 从宏观层面上建立国有产权经营公司;

    Building a state-owned property rights company of management on the macroscopic level .

  3. 国有产权转让中的机制设计&基于企业职工的合约选择

    Mechanism Design for SOPR Transfer : Based on Firm-Employee Contract Choice

  4. 建立健全法人治理结构,进行国有产权代表人再造;

    Establish a sound corporate governance structure , state-owned property proxy recycling ;

  5. 对企业国有产权民营化途径的分析

    Analysis on Enterprise Property from State - owned to Privately-owned

  6. 国有产权交易有特定的交易形式和交易原则。

    The state-owned property right conveyance has its specific conveyance form and principles .

  7. 重建国有产权与非国有产权制衡机制

    Rebuilding The Blanced Mechanism of state & ownership Right and Other property Rights

  8. 我国国有产权交易法律制度探讨

    On Legal Issue of Transaction of State Owned Property Rights of Our Country

  9. 国有产权竞价交易急需创新和规范

    The Competitive Price Transaction for State-owned Property Rights

  10. 有多项政策能实现国有产权交易主体多元化。

    There are many policies can realize the multiplication of state-owned property right conveyance .

  11. 国有产权退出机制研究

    Study on the Withdrawing of State-owned Property Right

  12. 制度环境、国有产权与银行差别贷款

    Institutional Environment , State Ownership and Lending Discrimination

  13. 我国汽车产业的国有产权、市场结构与市场绩效研究

    Research on State Property , Market Structure and Market Performance in China 's Auto Industry

  14. 国有产权委托代理关系的演进与国有资产管理体制的创新

    Evolution of State-owned Property Rights Principal-agent Relationship and Innovation of the State-owned Assets Management System

  15. 并对国有产权交易的规则化进行了研究,以此奠定产权经营的运行机制。

    And the state-owned property transactions of regularization should bethe operation mechanism of property management .

  16. 国有产权制度改革必须适应全民所有制的本性

    Reform of State Property Rights Must Conform to the Nature of Ownership by the Whole People

  17. 国有产权存在、运作和管理具有双重目标,即赢利和宏观调控,两目标如何同时最大限度地实现、不可同时实现时如何取舍等是现实的决策和操作问题;

    Third , the existence , operation and management of state-owned property rights have double goals .

  18. 国有产权制度下资本市场对国企经理约束机制的无效性

    Ineffectiveness of the Constraint Mechanism Imposed by Capital Market on Managers of SOEs under State Ownership

  19. 有色企业国有产权改革步骤探讨

    About the reforming steps to the property rights of state owned enterprise in non ferrous metals

  20. 更一般地,在国有产权进行转让时,必须对涉及的国有资产转让价格进行估计。

    More normally , the transfer price of state-owned assets must be estimated when transferring state-owned property .

  21. 国有产权所有者在确定资产转让价格时存在矛盾。

    State-owned property rights owners have contradictions in determining the transfer of assets at the time of Pricing .

  22. 这也就意味着,目前以企业国有产权为主业的经营格局将面临着重大挑战。

    This means that the present business management structure which gives priority to the state-owned property will face serious challenges .

  23. 中小企业国有产权向管理层转让的价格与融资问题探讨

    Study of Pricing and Financing about the State-owned Equities in Medium and Small Enterprises Being Assigned to the Layer of Management

  24. 实行国有产权主体多元化的改革,形成企业内部有效的产权约束,实现国企法人主体地位、产权主体地位;

    Forming the efficiency restriction of the inner property rights of the SOES through realizing the diversification of property rights structure .

  25. 国有产权控制企业虽然由于产权关系以及国家体制的影响,融资环境相对要好于私有产权控制企业。

    Because of the property right relations and national system , the state-owned enterprises financial environments are better than non-state-owned enterprises .

  26. 它将企业国有产权转让的各个环节和相关主体融合成为一个有机的整体。

    It makes many links and main parts which relative to the transfer of state-owned property rights in enterprise as a organic whole .

  27. 垄断竞争的市场结构,以混合所有产权结为特征,非国有产权为主,国有产权参与;

    In monopoly and competition market structure , we should make mixed property rights structure dominate and state owned property rights are concerned .

  28. 近年来,我国已有多家企业的国有产权直接或间接实现了管理层收购。

    In recent years , the state-run property rights of many enterprises have already realized direct or indirect Management buy-out in our country .

  29. 通过分析作为一种国有产权委托代理制度形式的承包经营责任制存在的机制缺陷,阐明实行规范的国有产权委托代理制度所需要的外部条件。

    It elaborates the external conditions of running of agency of agreement of state property-rights by analysis in mechanism with defects of contracting system .

  30. 现代企业国有产权资源运行效益递增,有赖于企业国有资源交易配置的路径优化。

    The performance of state-owned property right recourses of the modern enterprises depends on optimizing the route of the distribution of property right resources .