
  • 网络Learning Computer;Learning about Computer
  1. 她那时正在忙于学电脑。

    She was busy ( in ) learning computer then .

  2. 她认为我女儿应该学电脑。

    She took it for granted that my daughter should study computer .

  3. 学电脑经常遇到一些问题。

    I am always running into problems when I learn the computer .

  4. 要学电脑,就得放弃美术。

    To take the computer class , I have to drop art .

  5. 尽管学电脑花费许多时间,但我认为学好它还是有用的。

    Though a lot of time . I think learn computer well .

  6. 我学电脑都用了半年时间。

    It costs me half a year to learn how to use computer .

  7. 我开始学电脑的时候才九岁。

    I was only nine years old when I learnt how to use a computer .

  8. 你为什麽要学电脑?

    Why are you learning computer ?

  9. 我正在学电脑。

    I am studying computers .

  10. 温病卫气营血的血液流变学电脑诊断程序研究

    Computerized diagnosis of hemorrheology of wei , qi , Ying and Xue in acute seasonal febrile disease

  11. 方法收集50例下肢血管病患者的血液标本,采用血液流变学电脑分析仪等设备,分析血液粘稠度和凝固性的变化,并与102例健康人的血液标本进行比较。

    Methods To analysis the change of blood viscidity and coagulation in angiopathy , 50 cases of blood sample coming from the patients and 102 cases of blood sample coming from healthy persons were collected , the relevant data was compared by hemorrheology compute analytical instrument .

  12. 电器、音响响、光学学、电脑等的零件、螺丝固定绝缘、防震与接著

    Forfixing , insulating , shock affixing parts or screws of many items such as appliances , stereos , and eyeglasses .

  13. 受欢迎的项目包括保育补贴和为当地中小学购置电脑。

    Popular causes include child care subsidies and computers for local schools .

  14. 多学学电脑、手艺、园艺等等。

    Learn more about the computer , crafts , gardening , whatever .

  15. 广告里的黑人兄弟好像都学了电脑技术。

    All these commercials show brothers learning computer skills , new technologies .

  16. 你最好学关于电脑的知识。

    You 'd better learn something about the computer .

  17. 你在哪里学的电脑操作?

    Where did you learn how to operate computer ?

  18. 汉译英&我岁数太大了,学不了电脑了。

    I am too old to learn computer .

  19. 本文试图从关注焦点的不同,来区分图书资讯学与电脑学门的差异。

    The above disciplines actually , have their different focuses on the studies of information .

  20. 我从没学过电脑。

    I 've never learned computer science .

  21. 对那些没有学过电脑和其它新技能手段的人来说,更是如此。

    Those who have not been exposed to computers and other new skills and methods are finding this to be true .

  22. 安徽省引资分批建设中小学多媒体电脑教室情况概貌

    General Picture of Circs on Anhui Province Attracting Money to Construct Multimedia Computer Classroom at Middle and Grade Schools Group by Group

  23. 建置产品导向工程图学与电脑辅助刽针课程之网路学习模组、多媒体资料模组、学员资料撷取模组、课程输入与管理介面模组等之线上学习系统。

    Establishing web-based learning system including the models of student database , curriculum database and multi-media data model , for mechanical product-oriented CADD curriculum .

  24. 这样的工作需要许多研究助手,进行包括社会学、电脑科学等领域的跨学科研究,尖端电子计算技术的应用,是上一代人无法想象的。

    That kind of work requires lots of research assistants , work across disciplines including fields like sociology and computer science , and the use of advanced computational techniques unavailable a generation ago .

  25. 才过了两三年我在国内学的电脑技巧已经忘了一干二净(其实也没学到什么)。

    New Zealanders are simply not interested in'electron-boxes ' , and after a few years my skills with the computer deteriorated rapidly ( though I haven 't learnt much in China , anyway ) .

  26. 亲爱的Jack:你向我征询关于对你在大学里应该学历史还是电脑科学的意见,在此,我想给你一些有用的建议。

    Dear Jack , You have asked me for my advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university and now I am trying to give you some useful suggestions .

  27. 我们来学怎么用电脑。

    Let 's learn how to use the computer .

  28. 一项实验室研究对工商管理学硕士与电脑设计的赚取最大利润的价格战略表现进行了比较。

    One lab study compared the performance of mba students with that of computerized profit maximizing pricing strategies .

  29. 她总是迟到早退,而且还不学着用电脑。

    She always came to work late and left early , and she didnt learn to use the word processor .

  30. 电脑受欢迎,就连许多大学生毕业后还要再学一门电脑知识才能找好工作。

    Popular computer , and even many university graduates who would go on a school computer knowledge can find a good job .