
  • 网络Government Project;government engineering
  1. 水土保持事业往往被人们看成是政府工程,然而在这一工程中,单位和个人的力量不可小视。

    Water and soil conservation is often thought of as a government project .

  2. 并就以承包商垫资作为工程业主融资手段及政府工程利用优惠转移作为担保手段等与业主支付担保机制相关的问题进行论述。

    A new financing method and the favor transfer of government project are mentioned .

  3. 不应该让IBM承包任何与国防、电信、金融或者应用系统有密切关系的IT应用和IT系统开发的政府工程,在军事对抗中,这些领域会遭到中国的攻击。

    IBM should not be allowed to bid on any government contract for development and support of any IT appl ations or systems that are critical for national defense or telecommunications , finance or utilities IT s ystems that would be attacked by China cyber-warfare during a military conflict .

  4. 发达国家政府工程管理对我国的启示

    The Legacy of Governmental Public Project Management in Developed Countries for China

  5. 我最后想出如何政府工程。

    I finally figured out how government works .

  6. 政府工程管理模式综述及改革方向

    Review of the Administration Modes for Public Sector Projects and Suggestion for Reform Direction

  7. 他们只做政府工程和类似的大规模的建设工作。

    They do only government projects and similar construction work on a large scale .

  8. 政府工程采购的全寿命周期成本分析

    Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Government Project Procurement

  9. 四川省政府工程项目代建制管理模式研究

    Study of the System of the Charg é D'affaire of Governmental Project in Sichuan Province

  10. 他们还被控从投标承建政府工程的建筑商那里收受回扣。

    They are also accused of accepting kick-backs from contractors bidding on government construction projects .

  11. 对现行工程造价管理的分析论现行政府工程质量监督

    On present engineering quality supervision by government

  12. 政府工程投资控制研究

    Government Project Research on Investment Control

  13. 重视政府工程施工合同管理对竣工结算的作用

    Pay more attentions on the actions of construction contract management to final financial account of government-invested project

  14. 如果大型政府工程改变均衡价格,那么,消费者剩余可以用来测定收益。

    If large government projects change equilibrium prices , consumer surplus can be used to measure benefits .

  15. 大多数政府工程都是地方性的,其中很多将由伦敦的税收支付。

    Most government projects are local , and many are paid for by tax revenue from London .

  16. 建立和完善政府工程管理的规章制度,将政府工程管理纳入法制轨道。

    Establishing and perfecting the relative rules and regulations so as to legalize the state project management procedures .

  17. 政府工程施工招投标中资格审查办法的析及对利弊分策

    Analysis on advantage and disadvantage of qualification investigating methods for construction bidding of government project and relevant countermeasures

  18. 我工作的那家公司是承包政府工程的,我们从伦敦搬到了这里。

    The company I work for does contract work for the government , and we moved here from London .

  19. 这迫切要求尽快建立既适合我国国情,又体现国际惯例的政府工程采购制度。

    All of these urge to establish a government project procurement system with Chinese characteristics which also accords with international practice .

  20. 我国政府工程管理方式的合理选择&从国内外政府工程管理方式的比较看

    The Right Choice of Management Mode in China 's State-run Projects & a comparison between the management styles of domestic and foreign state-run projects

  21. 二承揽政府工程时,押标金、工程保证金或工程保留款,得降低百分之五十以下;

    Upon contracting government projects , the antecedent money for bidding , guarantee money or the preserved money may be reduced by up to50 % ;

  22. 从整体层面上看,现行体制下政府工程项目的建设管理缺乏对科学、专业、系统的管理方法的应用。

    Observed at a general view , the government projects under the current management system are devoid of the scientific , professional and systemic management methods of construction projects .

  23. 退耕还林作为政府工程,是一项复杂的生态系统工程,是一项公益事业,它具有公共商品特征。

    As a government behavior , the process of converting cropland to forest is not only complicated ecosystem engineering but also a public welfare undertaking which has the characteristics of public commodity .

  24. 淮河上中游和黄河中游,清初以来是政府工程设计和职官配置上的缺失地带。

    The Huai River in the upper and middle reaches and the Yellow River in the middle reaches was the " missing " zone in engineering design and the official post configuration in the early Qing Dynasty .

  25. 针对企业质量安全管理、施工现场一线劳务队伍及政府工程质量安全监督管理等方面存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。

    This paper puts forward some corresponding measures according to the problems existing in aspects of enterprises ' quality-safety management , labor ranks in the front line of construction field , and governmental supervision and management of engineering 's quality-safety , etc.

  26. 通过比较国内外政府工程管理方式可知:我国完善政府工程管理方式改革,就要对政府工程管理架构进行调整,明确政府各部门在政府工程管理的地位和职能;

    In order to enhance the management reform of China 's state projects , we need to refer to foreign experiences and adopt the following measures : adjusting the management structure so to clarify the role and function of government organizations at all levels ;

  27. 从代建制的性质及其运行模式分析入手,从促进竞争、培育代建单位、建立约束和激励机制以及做好与政府工程采购的衔接等方面对实施代建制进行了初步探讨。

    This paper firstly studies the features and operation modes of agent-construction system , and discusses the agent-construction system from the viewpoints of promoting competition , nourishing agent-construction enterprises , setting up a supervisory and encouraging mechanism , and its connection with the governmental project procurement system etc.

  28. 在政府工程采购过程中,评标作为政府工程采购招标的一个重要环节直接影响政府采购的质量和信誉。然而,我国现有的评标体系在科学性、合理性方面存在一定欠缺。

    In the process of government project , bidding evaluation , as an important part of bidding for government project procurement , has direct influence on the quality and credibility of government procurement . However , our existing bidding evaluation system has the lack of scientificalness and rationality .

  29. 政府投资工程实施方式de代建制改革研究

    The Owner 's Behalf System of the Implementation of Governmental Financed Projects

  30. 基于BP神经网络的政府投资工程委托代建风险分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Risk In the Government Agent System Projects Based on BP Neural Network