
  1. 本文旨在对国家重大科学工程项目EAST(HT-7U)超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置的大型超导磁体关键技术作一介绍。

    In this paper , the key technologies of large scale magnet for the EAST superconducting tokamak are introduced .

  2. 北京正负电子对撞机重大改造工程(简称BEPCⅡ)是国家重大科学工程项目。

    The reconstruction of Beijing Electron Positron Collider ( BEPCII ) is a great national scientific project .

  3. 中国科学院近代物理研究所的国家“九五”重大科学工程项目,兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(简称HIRFL-CSR)的准直安装,要安装的元件数量多、范围广、并且精度要求高。

    Coler Storage Ring of Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou ( HIRFL-CSR ) belongs to China great scientific project in China . The alignment for it is very difficult because of very large area and very high accuracy .

  4. 2000国家大地控制网是国家大地测量的重大科学工程项目。

    2000 ' National Geodetic Control Network of China is an important fundamental scientific engineering project in China .