
  • 网络large- and medium-sized state-owned enterprises
  1. 要想真正搞活经济,首先要搞活国营大中型企业。

    If you want to reinvigorate the economy , large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises should Be invigorated first of all .

  2. 我们有优势,有国营大中型企业,有乡镇企业,更重要的是政权在我们手里。

    We have our advantages : we have the large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises and the rural enterprises . More important , political power is in our hands .

  3. 变革企业生产方式搞好国营大中型企业

    Changing Business Mode of Production to Improve Large and Medium-Sized State-Owned Enterprises

  4. 论搞好国营大中型企业

    On How to Make the Large ahd Medium State-run Enterprises Work Better

  5. 对国营大中型企业应实行差别化承包

    Different Contract Forms for Large and Medium-Sized State-run Enterprises

  6. 另一方面,国家为了扶持国营大中型企业,正在推行优势企业混合兼并困难企业等政策。

    On the other hand , our country is carrying out a policy which superiority enterprises annex inferior others .

  7. 建设教师专业发展学校,推动大学与中小学合作;重庆大学与国营大中型企业的合作

    Set up Professional Development Schools ; To Strengthen Cooperation between Institutions of Higher learning and Large and Medium-Sized Enterprises

  8. 企业改革,主要是解决搞活国营大中型企业的问题。

    As for the reform of enterprises , our chief goal is to invigorate the large and medium-sized state-owned ones .

  9. 举债减税放水养鱼&关于搞活国营大中型企业的思考

    Raising Loan and Reducing Tax Just as Setting Fish in Water & Some Thoughts about Strengthening the Big and Medium-sized Enterprises

  10. 国营大中型商业企业如何深化改革

    How to Deepen the Reform of Commercial Large or Middle-Sized Enterprises

  11. 中国石化集团天津石化公司是一家主营乙烯、聚酯化工、化纤产品制造、销售的国营大中型化工企业。

    SINOPEC Tianjin Petrochemical Corporation is a large-scale state-owned petrochemical enterprise whose main business is manufacturing and selling Ethylene-Polyesters & their raw materials .