
  • 网络international bond;Eurobond
  1. 进行国际债券融资的策略与方法

    Tactics and Methods of Circulate Necessary Funds in International Bonds

  2. 论国际债券的自体法

    On the Proper Law Governing International Bonds

  3. 七大工业国的债券市场(G7bondmarkets),例如:美国的债券市场和,日本的债券市场,就占据了国际债券市场流通的主要部分。

    The G7 bond markets , e.g.U.S. , Japan , accounts for the major flows of the fixed income markets .

  4. 全球最有价值的公司苹果(Apple)周二发起巨额债券交易,以筹集资金用于其股票回购计划。目前国际债券市场在年初遭遇挑战之后开始重新启动。

    Apple , the most valuable company in the world , launched a multibillion-dollar bond deal on Tuesday to fund its share buyback programme , as international debt markets began to reopen after a challenging start to the year .

  5. 众所周知,国际债券投资者近些年借给了中国企业几百亿美元的资金,而其中一些企业目前身处困境,特别是嘉汉林业(SinoForest)和中国森林(ChinaForestry)。

    It is well known that international bond investors have loaned tens of billions of dollars to Chinese companies in recent years and that some of those companies , notably Sino Forest and China Forestry , are now in distress .

  6. 国际债券收益必将成为攫取的目标。

    International bond proceeds would surely be a target for seizure .

  7. 另外可以转作偿还国际债券之用。

    Another might be to divert resources to meet international bond payments .

  8. 目前其国际债券的交易量位列世界第一。

    It now does more international bond deals than any other firm .

  9. 国际债券指由非本土机构发行的债券。

    International Bond bonds that are issued in a country by a non-domestic entity .

  10. 在中国债券市场中引入国际债券市场操作规范。提高市场效率。

    Introduce international bond market practice to the Chinese Bond Market to develop market efficiency .

  11. 外国和国际债券市场

    Foreign and international bond markets

  12. 国际债券的发行主体多种多样,发售过程也比较复杂,而且其交易往往涉及诸多涉外因素,因此,从国际私法的角度研究国际债券的法律选择及适用具有理论和实践双重意义。

    International bond involves many foreign elements due to its variety of issuers and complicated issuing process .

  13. 越南在近5年后首次重返国际债券市场。

    Vietnam is returning to the international bond market for the first time in almost five years .

  14. 国际债券筹资是包括中国在内的发展中国家争取外资的重要手段。

    This form is an important means of gaining foreign capital for the developing countries including China .

  15. 截至2008年,新兴市场发行的国际债券有约85%以本币计价。

    By 2008 some 85 per cent of emerging market international bond issues were denominated in local currency .

  16. 伦敦金融城还是主要的国际债券发行中心,占据了全球发债总额的30%。

    The City was the leading center for international bond issues , with 30 % of the global total .

  17. 我国企业债券市场发展严重滞后,与国内股票市场和国际债券市场相比有较大的差距。

    The development of China corporate bond market lagged far behind the domestic stock market and international bond market .

  18. 中国商业银行、基金管理公司和证券公司已获准投资国际债券和股票。

    Chinese commercial banks , fund managers and securities companies are already allowed to invest in global bonds and equities .

  19. 但若买卖之国际债券已于国外交易所挂牌者,不在此限。

    This does not apply , however , if the international bonds being traded are already listed on an overseas exchange .

  20. 国际债券交易开始日之买卖断交易参考价格为一百货币单位。

    The reference price for outright transactions on the first business day for an international bond shall be on a price-per-hundred basis .

  21. 国际债券市场中的担忧已有所加剧。近年来,中国房地产开发商已在这些市场发售了190亿美元的债务。

    Fears have intensified in the international bond markets , where Chinese property developers have sold $ 19bn of debt in recent years .

  22. 国际债券发行人应洽本中心认可之国内外证券保管事业机构登录。

    The issuer of an international bond shall register the bond issue with a domestic or foreign securities depository enterprise recognized by the GTSM .

  23. 2010年到2013年中期,新兴市场借款人在国际债券市场上筹集了约9900亿美元资金,其中7000亿美元流向非银行企业部门。

    From 2010 to mid-2013 EM borrowers raised about $ 990bn on international bond markets , of which $ 700bn went to the non-bank corporate sector .

  24. 银行家们表示,越来越多的中国企业计划发行美元计价的国际债券,因为海外融资成本低于中国内地。

    Bankers say a growing number of Chinese companies plan to issue international bonds denominated in dollars because funding costs are cheaper offshore than on the mainland .

  25. 中国企业在国际债券市场上掀起了一股空前的借款狂潮,难以从国有银行获得信贷的地产开发商是这一趋势背后的驱动因素。

    Chinese companies have embarked on an unprecedented borrowing spree in international bond markets , a trend driven by property developers starved of credit by state-owned banks .

  26. 2006年,发展中国家的私营企业和国有企业通过银团贷款和发行国际债券融资3330亿美元,比2002年的880亿美元大幅增加。

    In2006 , private and state-owned corporations in developing countries raised $ 333 billion through syndicated bank loans and international bond issuance-up sharply from $ 88 billion in2002 .

  27. 这项交易开创了多个第一,包括创建了第一种可交换为H股的国际债券,以及第一宗标的股票是中资银行股票的挂钩股票交易。

    The transaction achieved several firsts , including creating the first international bond changeable into H shares and the first equity-linked deal with underlying shares in a Chinese bank .

  28. 国际债券透过本系统交易者,应以其发行币别为之,其交易及申报单位如下。

    Where international bonds are traded through the IBTS , they shall be traded in the currency of their denomination , and trading and quotation units are as follows .

  29. 过去两年,国际债券投资者前所未有地为中国企业提供了330亿美元借贷。如今,这些投资者正越来越多地想到自己最担心的结果:出现违约的前景。

    Having lent an unprecedented $ 33bn to Chinese companies over the past two years , international bond investors are increasingly contemplating their worst nightmare : the prospect of default .

  30. 欧元已取代美元,成为国际债券市场上的世界主导货币,欧元债券的市场份额连续第二年超过美元债券。

    The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world 's pre-eminent currency in international bond markets , having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row .