
  • 网络International Franchising
  1. 国际特许经营基本法律范畴研究

    Research on the Fundamental Law Concept of International Franchising

  2. 国际特许经营企业在选择进入中国市场的最佳模式时,要比较研究各种模式的优点和缺点,同时结合自身的实际情况,扬长避短。

    There are many kinds of entry modes for international franchising enterprises to enter China .

  3. 其中关于国际特许经营中商标平行进口问题引发了较大争议。

    International Franchise Trademark issue of parallel importation sparked considerable controversy .

  4. 委托代理理论在国际特许经营模式选择中的应用

    Application of Principal-agent Theory in the Choice of International Franchise Mode

  5. 这一部分从国际特许经营的定义、分类及法律关系三个方面介绍了国际特许经营相关知识。

    This part begins with the definition and legal characteristics of the franchise .

  6. 第二部分:国际特许经营中特许人的对内责任。

    Part II , the Franchisor 's Internal liability .

  7. 国际特许经营中商标独占使用权保护的困境与选择&由一起商标商品平行进口案例引发的思考

    The Dilemma and Choice for Protection of Exclusive Right of Trademark-use in International Franchise

  8. 本文所要研究的是外国投资者在中国开展国际特许经营所面临的宏观环境因素。

    This paper focuses on the macro environmental factors the foreign franchisors confront in China .

  9. 国际特许经营中商标商品的平行进口造成了对特许经营人商标独占使用权的侵害。

    In international franchise , trademark goods parallel import has caused infringement of the franchisee 's exclusive right of trademark-use .

  10. 国际特许经营中受许人与特许人的关系是基于合同产生的一种契约关系,两者之间保持一种健康和谐的关系对于特许经营的国际化至关重要。

    A healthy and harmonious relation , based on the signing of an international franchise contract , is essential for the normal internationalization of franchising system .

  11. 在阐述了国际特许经营中特许人与受许人的相互责任的基础上,分析了导致双方关系紧张的原因,并对发展健康、和谐的特许人与受许人关系提出了积极的建议。

    On the basis of exploring the responsibility to be committed by both parties and the reasons causing the breakage for such a relation the author proposes some positive suggestions for establishing a healthy and harmonious relation between the franchiser and franchisee .

  12. 国际上机场特许经营较为普遍,对机场非航业务实行特许经营已被大部分机场所采用,特许经营收入己成为机场收益的重要组成部分。

    Airport franchise is internationally common , non-aviation business franchise has been adopted by most of airports , and franchise revenue has become an important part of the proceeds of the airport .

  13. 如今,随着零售业的国际化,越来越多的国际零售商将特许经营作为其国际市场扩张模式,或者市场进入战略组合之一。

    Nowadays , with the internationalization of retailing , more international retailers would like to adopt franchising as their foreign market expansion means , at least as part of a portfolio of entry strategies .

  14. 制定既符合我国国情又符合国际惯例的特许经营法律法规体系,制度的合理设计是保证立法成功的关键。

    The franchising law and regulation system should in conformity with the actual situation of our country as well as the international conventions . The reasonable design of policies is the key to the success of legislation .

  15. 建立与国际接轨的中国特许经营法律制度研究

    A Study on the Institution of Franchise Rules Pursuant to International Practice in China

  16. 本文首先就我国政府对旅行社行业的限制性进入和国际上通用的特许经营进行了概念上的比较,澄清了一直以来人们对于特许经营的模糊认识;

    This article begins with a concept comparison between government entrance restrictions and the international operation of franchise , thus clarifying long-time misunderstanding on this subject .