
  • 网络International environment;Environment International;International;environment
  1. 在有利于海外投资的国际环境下,这个公司获得了巨额的利润。

    The company has made a huge profit in an international environment that is favourable to overseas investment .

  2. 我们需要一个和平的国际环境。

    We want [ need ] a peaceful international environment .

  3. 加入WTO,农业的发展面临全新的国际环境,如何进行农业结构调整使地区布局更加合理,是我国当前农业发展过程中一个亟待解决的问题。

    After entering WTO , the development of Chinese agriculture is faced with new environment . How to adjust agriculture structure to optimize the region arrangement has become a imperative problem during current agricultural development .

  4. 现有国际环境法体系已经赋予环境NGO一定的权利,从而使环境NGO能够以咨商、观察员、合作伙伴、法庭之友等身份参与国际环境事务。

    Present international environmental law has entitled environmental NGO some rights . Thus environmental NGO can participate in international environmental affairs with the status such as consultative status , observer status , partnership status and " tthe friend of court " status .

  5. 阐述了ISO-14000国际环境管理标准,并对加速我国绿色包装设计提出建议。

    The international environment management standard ISO-14000 is introduced and the proposition to speed up green packaging design in our country is put forward .

  6. 国际环境计划(UNEP)1990年修改了蒙特利尔公约,要求在2000年以前停止氟氯碳化合物(CFC)的生产。因此,电子工业正在急切寻找不需用CFC溶剂的替代清洗材料和助焊剂。臭氧(英文)

    United Nation Environmental Protection ( UNEP ) agency has revised the montreal protocol and demand that CFC products'production be terminated by year 2000 . Therefore , the electronic industries are desperately searching for non ozone depleting cleaning solvents or soldering fluxes that do not require the use of CFC .

  7. 第二亚欧大陆桥的构成及其国际环境

    Composition of the Second Eurasian Continental Bridge and Its International Environment

  8. 论国际环境保护非政府组织的兴起、形式及其作用机制

    The Origin , Forms and Effect Mechanisms of International Environmental NGOs

  9. 迫于国际环境的改变尤其是亚洲新经济格局的形成;

    International situation is changed and form new Asian economic pattern .

  10. 国际环境和中美关系互动:战略思想和政策规划

    International Environment and Interactive Sino-US Relations : Strategic Thinking and Policy Planning

  11. 国际环境管理体系的应用综述

    A Review of the Application of International Environment Management System

  12. 中国履行国际环境公约的技术可行性评估

    The Technical Feasibility Assessment of China 's Implementing International Conventions of Treaties

  13. 浅析当代中国所处的国际环境与对策

    Discussion on the International Environment for Modern China and Countermeasures

  14. 国际环境法一体化主要问题主要包括国际环境保护公约的一体化,一些具体的环境保护制度的一体化等。

    International environment law assimilation includes conventions assimilation and some environment law system .

  15. 欧盟环境立法对国际环境合作的影响

    EU Environment Lawmaking To Cooperative Influence In International Environment

  16. 浅析国际环境公约对石油工业的影响

    Effects of International Environmental Conventions on Petroleum Industry

  17. 再次,需要稳定的国际环境。

    Thirdly , it needs steady international condition .

  18. 国际环境法联合研究方案

    Joint Research Program for International Environmental Law

  19. 国际环境技术转让咨询委员会

    International Environmental Technology Transfer Advisory Board

  20. 绿色壁垒与国际环境正义

    Green Barriers and International Environment Justice

  21. 以和平与发展为世界主题的国际环境已经平稳的走过多年。

    With " peace and development " for theworld theme has been smoothly through the years .

  22. 最近国际环境会议动向

    Recent Trend of International Environmental Conferences

  23. 中国和国际环境条约

    China and International Environmental Treaties

  24. 为了实现这个宏伟目标,中国需要一个长期和平稳定的周边和国际环境。

    To meet the grand goal , China needs a long-term peaceful and stable regional and international environment .

  25. 现代中国文学的建构与演化,与日益开放的国际环境紧密相联。

    The construction and evolution of modern Chinese literature are tightly linked together to increasingly opening international background .

  26. 多环芳烃所引起的污染问题已经引起国际环境保护组织、各国政府和民众的高度关注。

    Nowadays , international environmental protection organization , governments and people have focused on environmental pollution of PAHs .

  27. 论国际环境损害责任

    On International Environment Liability

  28. 同时还可以说,颇有策略技能的内塔尼亚胡带领本国在非常艰难的国际环境中挺过来了。

    Mr Netanyahu can also claim to have negotiated a very difficult international environment with considerable tactical acumen .

  29. 中国人民最需要、最珍爱和平的国际环境,愿尽自己所能,为推动各国共同发展做出积极贡献。

    We are willing to to our best to make energetic contributions for the common development of all countries .

  30. 面对全球经济一体化和信息化的国际环境,企业间的竞争日趋激烈。

    Facing the international environment of the global economic integration and information , the competition between enterprises is increasingly fierce .