- 名international crime

Remote causes , effects , etc consequences deriving from an international crime
Consequences deriving from an international crime
In view of the barriers in implementing the principle of universal jurisdiction , both substantive law and procedure law should be further perfected and developed to be favorable for conducting effective arrest and punishment against the actor of international crime .
Yugoslav Committee for the Collection of Data on Crimes Committed against Humanity and International Law
Recent years , international pirate crime has become one of the focus problems which arouses great concern to the international society .
How to punish the international terrorist crimes is an important question the present international society and all the nations greatly concern with .
Expert group meeting on victims of crime and abuse of power in the international setting ;
Clause 10 : To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas , and Offences against the Law of Nations ;
War crime is one of the international crimes that has been affirmed in International Law nowadays , and the affirmation and penalization of war crime are main issues concerned by the international law and international society .
For more than ten years , various judicial apparatuses which investigate and affix who is responsible for an international crime have been built one after another .
Convention on the Establishment of an International Penal Tribunal for the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid and other International Crimes , draft
This crime against conscience , this crime against humanity , this crime against the most fundamental principles of international community , against the norm of the international community , this matters to us .
The establishment of the International Criminal Court , which is the first permanent court with jurisdiction over individuals who committed international crimes , is no doubt a landmark event in the development of international law .