
guó jì mào yì
  • international trade
国际贸易[guó jì mào yì]
  1. 此协议将会提供增加国际贸易的机会。

    The agreement will open the door to increased international trade .

  2. 我们的出口商在国际贸易展览会上代表我们的国家参展。

    Our exporters keep the flag flying at international trade exhibitions .

  3. “全球化”是个泛称,用以描述增进了的国际贸易。

    Globalisation is a catch-all to describe increased international trade

  4. 那是布鲁塞尔国际贸易谈判中纷乱的一天。

    It 's been a tumultuous day at the international trade negotiations in Brussels .

  5. 总统还呼吁各国就签订国际贸易协定加倍努力进行磋商。

    The president also called on nations to redouble their efforts to negotiate an international trade agreement

  6. 西海岸公司是一家大型国际贸易公司。

    West Coast Corps is a large international trade corporation .

  7. 比如中国国际贸易促进会对外经济仲裁委员会就是这样的机构。

    For example , foreign Trade Arbitration Commission is such a kind of institution .

  8. 这难道不是增加国际贸易的好办法吗?

    Is this not a good way of increasing international trade ?

  9. 它不仅仅是一条古老的国际贸易路线。

    It was more than an ancient international trade route .

  10. 丝绸之路是历史上中国与地中海之间重要的国际贸易通道。

    The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean .

  11. 国际贸易有助于所有的国家。

    International trade helps all nations .

  12. 是关于濒危野生动植物种国际贸易的国际公约。

    CITES is the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora . CITES

  13. 万季飞,全国政协委员、中国国际贸易促进委员会原会长

    Wan Jifei , CPPCC member and former chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

  14. 中国将挖掘外贸增长潜力,为推动国际贸易增长、世界经济发展作出积极贡献。

    We will tap into the growth potential of foreign trade with a view to boosting growth in international trade and the world economy .

  15. 政府已采取一系列金融对策,支持国际贸易公司应对所有产业链复工复产所面临的挑战。

    A slew1 of financial measures have been taken to support international trade companies to tackle the challenges of resuming production in all industrial chains .

  16. M的这位朋友目前在一家事业单位实习,这是一家参与国际贸易的机构,有很多国际交流的机会,而且待遇也不错。

    This friend of M ’ s now works as an intern in a public institution . This institution deals with international trades and provides a lot opportunities of international communication . And they pay the employees nicely .

  17. 国际贸易行政诉讼审查标准刍议&以WTO体制约束为宏观背景

    On the Review Standard of Administrative Litigation in International Trade

  18. 面向WTO国际贸易实务课程的教学改革研究

    Study on the Teaching Reform of Foreign Trade Practice Courses facing WTO

  19. 环境标志;国际贸易;WTO;贸易壁垒;法律保护。

    Environmental label ; International trade ; WTO ; Trade barriers ; Legal Protection .

  20. WTO与国际贸易新壁垒

    WTO and international trade barriers

  21. 它与已有的世界贸易组织(WTO)框架协议一同构成了规范、管理转基因产品国际贸易的两大国际协议。

    The protocol and existing World Trade Organization become two international agreements which regulate and management GM products together .

  22. 第四章为国际贸易与FDI长期关系研究的模型构建;

    Chapter Four constructs the model about the long-term relationship between international trade and FDI .

  23. 本论文试图运用国际贸易理论的最新发展成果和分析方法,探讨我国加入WTO后的贸易战略和经济发展问题。

    This dissertation discusses China 's trade strategy and the economic development after Chinese WTO entry in terms of modern international trade theory and means .

  24. 我国加入WTO后,化学品环境管理面临着新形势,国际贸易带来的化学品环境污染风险将增大,对化学品环境管理的压力将加大。

    With China 's entry into the WTO , the risk of chemical pollution will increase and bring about big pressure in the chemical environmental management .

  25. 劳工标准与国际贸易的关系问题在WTO成立后的各届部长级会议上都引起了成员国间激烈的争论。

    The issue of international trade and core labour standards has inspired so intense debate among the World Trade Organization member countries at the WTO Ministerial Conferences .

  26. 随着知识产权与国际贸易关系的愈益密切,平行进口成为WTO多边贸易体制中的一个重要课题。

    With the closer and closer interaction between IP protection and international trade , parallel importation is becoming an important legal issue within the multi-lateral trade system in WTO .

  27. 并借鉴域外法治经验,尝试提出了WTO体制下中国国际贸易救济审查制度改革的若干构想,从而将对国际贸易救济审查制度和国际(经济)公法的理性认识边界向外拓展。

    This dissertation attempts to expand the boundary of the rational knowledge for review system in international trade remedies and to deepen the research in international economic public law .

  28. ISO9000与国际贸易

    ISO 9000 and International Trade

  29. 加入WTO,标志着我国开始参与世界经济大循环,国际贸易规则、规范越来越多地影响着企业行为和贸易政策的制定。

    China 's entry into WTO symbolized that China began to involve in the circulation of world economy , which also means international trade regulation will affect Chinese trade policies .

  30. 遵循和积极利用WTO原则,提高企业竞争能力,建立良好的贸易合作机制,将是我国克服国际贸易摩擦的重要途径。

    The approaches to China overcoming international trade conflicts are to follow and actively use WTO rules , to elevate enterprise competitive capacity and to forge a favorable trade operational mechanism .