
  • 网络The international financial system
  1. 他们出的点子包括,让中国在国际金融体系中扮演更重要的角色,或承诺推举一位中国人担任下届IMF总裁。

    Ideas include offering a bigger role in the international financial system or pledging that a Chinese candidate becomes the next head of the IMF .

  2. 国际金融体系也需要修正,但我们有理由感到乐观。

    The international financial system also needs repairing but there are grounds for optimism .

  3. imf股东目前正在讨论其治理方面的改革,并授权加强其在国际金融体系中的作用。

    IMF shareholders are currently discussing the reform of its governance and mandate to strengthen its role in the international financial system .

  4. IMF的主要目标是促进和维护国际金融体系的稳定,重点是宏观经济问题,因此,二者具有互补性。

    It thus complements the Fund 's focus on macroeconomic issues in pursuit of its main objective to promote and maintain international financial stability .

  5. 不过,G20将抓紧创建两套不同的具有系统重要性的银行名单。第一个包括20家左右若倒闭会对国际金融体系构成风险的全球银行。

    Nonetheless , the G20 will press ahead with the creation of two separate systemic bank lists , the first with an estimated 20 global banks whose failure would pose a risk to the international financial system .

  6. 但是,假如g20是以认真的态度承诺支持开放的多边贸易,支持有利于贸易的国际金融体系,那么成员们应该愿意放弃些许自我,以换取对各方来说利大于弊的局面。

    But if the G20 is serious in pledging to sustain open multilateral trade and the international financial system that fosters it , it should be willing to forgo an element of sovereignty to achieve net gains for all .

  7. 目前国际金融体系下我国汇率制度选择

    The Selection of Foreign Exchange Regime Under the InTernational Financial System

  8. 马克、欧元与国际金融体系

    The D-Mark , Euro and International Financial and Monetary System

  9. 现行国际金融体系缺陷与全球金融动荡关系之研究

    Relations between the defects of international financial system and global financial turbulence

  10. 论国际金融体系改革与布雷顿森林机构重塑

    On Reform of International Financial System and Restructure of Bretton Woods Institutions

  11. 国际金融体系中三位一体式结构剖析

    The Analysis of The Trinity Structure in International Financial System

  12. 国际金融体系的现状及改革设想

    The actuality of IFS & suggestion on its reform

  13. 现在,朝鲜成立国际金融体系的私生子。

    Now North Korea is the bastard child of the international financial world .

  14. 论国际金融体系的改革和人民币国际化战略

    On the Reform of International Financial System and the Strategy of RMB Internationalization

  15. 国际金融体系改革的争议与前景展望

    The Dispute over and the Prospect for the Reform of International Financial System

  16. 国际金融体系变革与我国金融安全的思考

    Thoughts on the Change of International Financial System and China 's Financial Security

  17. 第二,建设包容有序的国际金融体系。

    Secondly , to build up an inclusive and orderly international financial system .

  18. 我们将与其它国家一道,建立一个更为高效和透明的国际金融体系。

    Together , we will build a more efficient and transparent international financial system .

  19. 第三,我们期望改革和完善国际金融体系。

    Third , we hope the international financial system will be reformed and improved .

  20. 《世界经济展望》没有讨论国际金融体系灾难性崩溃的可能性。

    The WEO does not discuss the possibility of a catastrophic breakdown of the international financial system .

  21. 这场危机充分暴露了现行国际金融体系和治理结构的缺陷。

    The present crisis has laid bare the weaknesses in the existing international financial system and governance structure .

  22. 首先是国际金融体系文献综述及国际金融体系理论。

    First is the literature review of the international financial system and theory of the international financial system .

  23. 自2001年发生债务违约以来,阿根廷进入国际金融体系的渠道有限。

    It has had limited access to the international financial system since defaulting on its debts in 2001 .

  24. 现行国际金融体系已经无法继续协调各国的经济金融利益,暴露出越来越多的弊端。

    The present international financial system cannot coordinate financial interests of different nations and reveals more and more disadvantages .

  25. 中国的崛起提供了一个与目前国际金融体系截然不同的经济组织形式。

    The rise of China offers a fundamentally different form of economic organization than the current international financial system .

  26. 其次,分析了金融全球化引发的外资银行市场准入监管问题,笔者认为在金融全球化趋势下加强外资银行市场准入监管对于维护国际金融体系的安全与稳定具有重要意义。

    And it is important to maintain the safety and stabilization of native banking under the trend of financial globalization .

  27. 二战以来,美国一直处于国际金融体系中心的地位。

    The United States has been at the center of the international financial system ever since the Second World War .

  28. 尽管国际金融体系有其局限性和缺陷,但是对于我们大家来说究竟是重要的。

    But in spite of its limitations and faults , the international financial system is important to all of us .

  29. 20世纪90年代以来,国际金融体系的动荡不安表现为汇率制度调整伴随着货币危机。

    Since 1990s , transformation of exchange rate regime concomitance with currency crises has led to international financial system turbulence .

  30. 另外,对跨国银行进行监管还有其自身的特殊原因,即跨国银行的国际化经营使其面临更为复杂的风险,而且加大了国际金融体系的风险。

    Furthermore , the realistic background for the supervision of multinational banks is its internationalized operations accompanied by more sophisticated risks .