
  • 网络library type
  1. 服务宗旨与其所代表的图书馆类型紧密相关;

    Service aim is related with its library type ;

  2. 本文介绍了数字图书馆的存储体系架构DAS、NAS、SAN和IPStorage,并对前三个架构进行了全面的比较分析,指出了它们适用的图书馆类型。

    The text introduces library storage system DAS , NAS , SAN and IP Storage , carries out detailed exposition , makes overall comparative analysis among the first three frameworks , and pointes out their suitable library type .

  3. 浅谈公共图书馆读者类型及其特点

    Talking about the Types and Features of the Readers of the Public Library

  4. 论现代大学图书馆的类型学特征&大学图书馆建筑设计之理论基础

    The Typology Characteristics of Modern Academic Library : The Theoretical Foundation of Academic Library Architecture Design

  5. 主要研究了省级党校图书馆读者类型,分析了党校图书馆读者服务工作的现状,并对如何提高读者服务工作的效率提出了建议。

    This paper researches on the reader types of the Party school library , analyzes on the present situation of service for readers in the Party school library , and advances some suggestions on improving the efficiency of the service for readers .

  6. 图书馆危机的类型及应对策略

    Tentative Discussion on the Type of Crisis and Dealing Strategy in Library

  7. 高校图书馆和各类型图书馆文献信息资源共建共享的问题和举措

    Problems and Countermeasures in Information Resources Construction and Sharing in University Libraries and Other Kinds of Libraries

  8. 文章描述了数字图书馆联盟及其类型,介绍了我国目前数字图书馆联盟的发展情况,并在此基础上提出了发展我国数字图书馆联盟的策略。

    This paper describes the digital library federation and its types , introduces the current status of the digital library federation in China , and furthermore puts forward the development strategy of the digital library federation in China .

  9. 划分了高校图书馆的文献资源类型。

    The types of document resource are partitioned properly .

  10. 高校图书馆知识受众的类型主要有以下四类:管理人员、教学人员、学生和其他人员。

    They are managers , teaching and research facilities students and other personnel .

  11. 论文对图书馆工作法律责任类型及其多重承担问题作了尝试性的论述。

    This paper attempt to discuss the proposition of law responsibility in library and its multi-undertake .

  12. 数字图书馆信息资源的类型及其组织描述,影响着数字图书馆的检索技术。

    The types and the organizational description of information resources of the digital library influence its retrieval methods .

  13. 阐述了高校图书馆信息用户的类型,并对信息用户的需求心理做出了详细的分析;

    The paper discusses the types of university library information user and makes detailed analysis on user 's demanding psychology .

  14. 图书馆虚拟用户具有类型多样、个性不一、开放性强等特点,它在图书馆用户中的比重逐渐扩大。

    The library fictitious users have lots of characteristic , such as , varied types , different character and open function .

  15. 浅谈高校图书馆的信息用户类型及服务

    A Tentative Study of the Feature for the Types of Information Users ' Demand and the Information Service in College Library

  16. 本文就高校图书馆网络人才需求类型及网络人才培养目的、内容和途径作了一些思考。

    This article reflects on the type demands 、 the goal of foster 、 the contents and the approach about library network talents .

  17. 分析了图书馆环境污染的类型及造成的危害,并提出了若干污染预防措施及健康防护对策。

    This paper analyzes the types and damages of environmental pollution of library , and advances some measures for pollution prevention and healthy protection .

  18. 文章对版权意义上的图书馆藏作了类型划分,就馆藏版权评价的主要内容、程序和组织管理工作进行了阐述。

    The paper classifies library collection in copy right meanings , and sets forth the content , procedure and work of organization and management of library collection evaluation .

  19. 通过分析网络环境下高校图书馆期刊资源的类型,对图书馆期刊采访工作的基本原则和工作流程进行了论述。

    By analyzing the type of library of institutions of higher learning in web environment , the basic principle and operating course of periodical purchase of library are expounded .

  20. 本文通过网络环境对高校图书馆馆藏内涵、类型结构、馆藏观念、馆藏质量评价标准、馆藏经费预算及分配方式,服务方式等的影响,探讨了网络环境下高校图书馆信息资源建设的策略和方法。

    Based on influence of the network environment on the development of university library information resources , this paper discusses the strategies and methods of construction of university library information resources under network evironment .

  21. 本文就图书馆中不同信息类型载体的信息资源的建设模式和规范、共建共享、保障机制、知识产权等问题做些抛砖引玉式的探讨,与大家共勉。

    This article offers a few commonplace remarks by a way of simple discussion for the building mode , standard , co-establishment , share , assurance system and intellectual property of information resources of different type of information carrier in library .

  22. 分析了高校图书馆读者群体的类型及其行为特点,探讨了几种适应不同读者群体的最佳服务模式,指出了开展读者群体服务中需注意的问题。

    This paper analyzes on the types of reader groups in university library and their characteristics , probes into several optimal service modes fitting in with different reader groups , and points out some problems that the attention should be paid to in developing the service for reader groups .

  23. 面对电子型和印刷型出版物共存的局面,图书馆应依据高校图书馆读者类型、文献类型、资源共享原则和图书馆的规模及发展等项目来协调图书馆电子出版物和印刷型出版物。

    To counter the situation of co-existence of electronic and printed publications , university libraries should share the items , such as scale and development of university libraries according to reader type , cultural heritage type , and resources sharing principle so as to coordinate electronic and printed publications .

  24. 近代图书馆学者提出的开放、平等、免费的图书馆理念,各种类型图书馆的建设及形式多样的图书馆活动,具有划时代的意义。

    It has an epoch-making significance that modern scholars '" open , equal , free " library concept , all types of libraries ' construction and varieties of library activities .

  25. 通过对俄罗斯图书馆网络和图书馆系统概念的理解,对复杂的图书馆系统类型&图书馆联盟进行了分析。

    Through analyzed and comprehended the concept of the library network and the library system of Russia , to the complicated systematic type of library & The library consortia has analyzed .

  26. 阐述了高校图书馆管理文化的内涵,分析了传统高校图书馆管理文化的类型,探讨了图书馆管理文化的发展趋势。

    This paper expounds the connotation of the management culture of university library , analyzes on the types of traditional management culture of university library , and probes into the developing trend of library management culture .

  27. 本文总结了从古代图书馆、近代图书馆、现代图书馆和电子图书馆等4种图书馆类型,探讨了图书馆馆藏资源和基本职能的演变过程,总结出了资源和职能的演变规律。

    The article debates the evolutionary progress of the Library 's preserving resource and its basic function , It sums up the rules of its resources and functions by a statement of practices of ancient libraries , recent libraries and modern electronic libraries .

  28. 首先介绍了我国图书馆人力资源建设的历史与现状,其次提出了图书馆信息营销对图书馆人才类型、人才素质以及对图书馆人才结构的要求;

    In the third section the article discusses the demand on the information marketing to the construction of the human resources of the library .