
tú fú
  • mappable unit;sheet
图幅[tú fú]
  1. 水平体视图图幅分析及计算作图法

    Analysis of mappable unit in horizontal stereogram and its studies on calculating drawing method

  2. 同时,实现了接边图幅的显示。

    , Implementing the display of the match map sheet .

  3. 利用Java开发的基于Web的地质大型图幅浏览系统

    The Web-based Large Geologic Map Browsing System Developed by Using Java

  4. 在油田生产图幅处理中巧用AutoCAD

    On Ingenious Application of AutoCAD in Processing Map Sheets in Oilfield Production

  5. 跨图幅任意区域DEM裁剪功能的实现

    The Actualization of Cutting out DEM of Arbitrary Area

  6. 数据管理模块主要是由图形基本操作、数据更新和投影变换所构成;查询模块包括属性查询、SQL查询、图幅号(或图件名称)查询、区域名称查询四种查询方式。

    The data management module is mainly constituted by map operation , the data renewal and the projection transformation .

  7. 用VBA开发CASS中标准图幅接合图表的实践

    Practice on Developing Standard Assemblage Index with VBA in CASS

  8. 之后,DVD就会按观众选择的安排,从一个图幅连贯地跳到下一个图幅。

    The DVD then makes seamless skips from one scene to the next in the arrangement the viewer has chosen .

  9. 对于跨机构的商务工作流来说,用基本Petri网建模往往会因为图幅规模过大和细节过多而使得其可读性下降。

    As far as modeling inter-organizational business workflow , Petri nets will make graph ill readable because of too big size of graph and too much detail .

  10. 由于光盘本身具有预编图幅剪辑,DVD影像能让观众决定其等级、范围或是否需要父母的指导。

    DVD video can let the viewer decide the rating , range or parental guidance , thanks to preprogrammed scene cuts on the disc itself .

  11. 对九龙江流域分幅数字高程模型(DEM)进行图幅拼接、网格重分及切割等处理分析,生成九龙江流域数字高程模型。

    The digital elevation model of the Jiulong River Basin is generated through map mosaic , grid re-division , and separation of all the DEM maps of the Jiulong River Basin .

  12. GASL以单引擎多图幅的形式表示GIS应用系统的数据源,对图幅提供浏览、查询和空间分析三种基本操作,为定义GIS应用系统特殊需求提供了形式化手段。

    GASL used single engine and multi-map to express the data source for GIS application system , provided browse , query and spatial anlysis three basic operations for map , offered formalized means for defining the special requirements of GIS application system .

  13. 本文以1:2000,40cm×50cm的图幅为例,介绍了一种基于AutoCAD,对TIF格式影像进行图纸定向的两点定向法。

    Taking one 1:2000 , 40c m × 50 cm map as an example , the paper introduces a new map orient method on the basis of AutoCAD , namely two-point map orient method .

  14. 就考试中的计算机辅助设计图纸打印输出设置方法,结合考题中非标准图幅的要求进行了详细分析,对于学生参加ATA考试有借鉴作用。

    Aiming at the setting method to printing out Auto CAD drawing in examination , detailed analysis is given in light of the abnormal requirments , Which can be a good reference for students attending ATA test .

  15. 利用EL-5100S计算器,根据制图工作所需图幅元素精度,进行坐标正反算,边长计算,图幅面积计算,子午线收敛角及邻带坐标的计算。

    Using the EL-5100S calculator , the coordinate positive and negative calculations can be made according to the precision requirements of the map elements . It can also compute such the map elements as side length , map area , meridional convergent angle and adjacent zone coordinate .

  16. 详细探讨了DLG部分质量指标自动检查的方法,如图幅接边、平面位置精度、线线相交、属性精度等,提出了一种自动批量检查图幅接边质量问题的方法。

    The automatic check algorithms for system quality indexes are discussed in detail , such as the maps junction , the lines intersect , plane position precision , attribute accuracy and so on , and a method on automatic batch quality check of maps junction problem is introduced . 4 .

  17. 总的来说,图幅按边必须无误,不得有裂隙或重叠。

    Generally they must all fit together without gap or overlap .

  18. 对于图幅拼接,设置各图幅的'Position'属性进行定位即可。

    For anastomosis of diagram , set its position attribute for orientation .

  19. 区域磁场可以从图幅和表格中查到。

    The regional magnetic fields can be picked from maps and tables .

  20. 按照城市规划的规律编排图幅顺序;

    Arranging maps in conformity with the law of the urban planning ;

  21. 图幅编号自动识别研究

    The Automatic Recognition Study of Number of National Primary Scale Topographic Maps

  22. 空间分析;任意图幅的地图输出;

    Space analyzing , Arbitrary map output , Section analyzing .

  23. 图幅分幅编号和图幅范围的快速确定方法

    Fast Definition Mode of Sheet Designation and Sheet Limit

  24. 对于这种系列图幅,通常是设计一种标准图廓。

    For such a series it is usual to design a standard margin .

  25. 基于线要素的图幅自动接边问题的探讨

    Automatic Adjoining Sheets Based on Line Primitives

  26. 针对海量空间线矢量的图幅内自动拼接,提出了基于端点排序的拼接方法。

    Anewjointing method based on endpoint-sorting was proposed for massive spatial line vectors within sheets .

  27. 图幅均应有名称。

    Every sheet should have a name .

  28. 图幅磁偏角自动计算的原理和方法

    The Principle of Computing Map Magnetic Declinations

  29. 区域地球化学图件拼接中的图幅平差法

    Map adjustment method for merging geochemical map

  30. 各图幅拼接后的坐标可以直接用于跨图幅之间的空间量度。

    And coordinates of different map sheets after joining can be used as the spatial measurement .