
  1. 专业施工单位在图纸会审中应注意的问题

    Some problems need attention in examination of working drawing for professional construction unit

  2. 图形化工程量计算软件在图纸会审中的应用

    The application of graphic project quantity computation software in the examination of blueprint designs

  3. 装修、安装工作开始前,项目总工程师应组织各专业之间的图纸会审,协调各专业工作接口。

    Before fitment and installation work is started , chief engineer of the project shall organize joint review of the drawings among all disciplines and coordinate work interface of all disciplines .

  4. 项目的技术管理大致包括施工技术责任、档案管理、施工组织设计、技术培训管理、施工方案、图纸会审、技术交底、施工进度、施工记录、工程变更管理、技术档案管理和技术革新等。

    The technical management of the project broadly includes construction technology responsibility , records management , construction design , technical training management , construction plan , drawings reviewing , technical disclosure , construction schedule , construction records , engineering change management , technical records management and technical innovation .

  5. 在熟悉和预审施工图纸的基础上,监理项目部及时组织施工图纸会审,做好会审记录,并将提出的问题提交项目管理机构和勘察设计单位。

    Project supervision department shall , on the basis of knowing and preliminary examination of construction drawing , timely organize joint examination of construction drawing , carry out joint examination record and submit the raised issues to project management organization and survey design unit .