
  • 网络Soil utilization;soil utilizaion
  1. 土壤利用方式改变对滇东南岩溶区土壤特性的影响

    Impacts of Soil Utilization Forms on Soil Characteristics in Karst Area of Southeastern Yunnan

  2. 在分子水平研究盐碱胁迫下星星草的耐盐碱基因和相关的抗逆机制对提高植物耐盐性、提高盐碱土壤利用率具有重要的意义。

    Studying stess resistance genes and the related mechanism at molecular level is more significant for improving salt tolerance and soil utilization .

  3. 土壤利用管理对土壤甲烷氧化的影响

    The Effect of Land Use on Methane Oxidation in Aerobic Soils

  4. 农村土壤利用城市生活垃圾施肥的调查研究

    Research of fertilization using urban household garbage in countryside

  5. 论宁夏国土整治中土壤利用分区及改良措施

    On the division of land renovation and the major measures in Ningxia Autonomous Region

  6. 城郊土壤利用方式的多样性,决定了土壤质量变化的复杂性。

    Suburban diversity of soil use patterns , changes in soil quality determines the complexity .

  7. 通过研究提出了土壤利用与修复的规划。

    Based on the research results , strategies for utilization and remediation of the soils are brought forth .

  8. 即使在土壤利用类型相同的样地范围内,同一时刻土壤特性在不同空间位置上也具有明显差异。

    Soil property distinguished in different spatial positions at the same time , even in plot scale from the same land use .

  9. 因此铁矿尾砂的土壤利用可以作为一种铁矿尾砂资源化利用的新技术。

    Therefore , the application of iron ore tailing sands to soil is a new technique to use iron ore tailings as resource .

  10. 紫花苜蓿的土壤利用率大于粮食作物,是小麦的2.1~2.8倍,玉米的2.0~2.5倍。

    The rate of soil water utilization of alfalfa was 2.1 to 2.8 times that of wheat , and 2.0 to 2.5 times that of corn .

  11. 晋西北不同土壤利用方式下土壤质量变化研究大理州植烟土壤肥力质量现状与演变趋势

    Effects of Land Use on Soil Quality in North-west of Shanxi Province ; Soil fertility status and evolution trend under long-term flue-cured tobacco cultivation in Dali prefecture of Yunnan

  12. 植被、土壤利用方式以及施肥、耕作、灌溉等农业管理活动等可能对土壤环境和质量造成严重的影响,并影响土壤微生物多样性。

    Soil environment , quality and microbial diversity may be severely affected by vegetation , land use types and agricultural management activities such as fertilizing , farming and irrigation and so on .

  13. 用生物修复技术来处理受铬污染的土壤,利用自然界中微生物,通过生物还原反应,将Cr(VI)还原成三价铬。

    Chromium - contaminated soil is treated by bio - remediation technology in this paper . Using microorganisms in nature , Cr ( VI ) can be reduced to Cr (ⅲ) by bio - reducing reaction .

  14. 而PAM施用对真溶解态磷无明显抑制效果,还可能促进真溶解态磷的流失潜能,其影响与供试土壤土地利用类型和PAM的施用量有关。

    No significant inhibition but a possible facilitation effect of PAM on truly dissolved P were shown , which related to land use of studied soils and application rate of PAM .

  15. 免耕覆盖试验结果表明,免耕覆盖玉米秸秆4500kg/hm~2以上的处理比传统耕作玉米增产22.15%~25.65%,土壤水分利用效率提高2.9625kg/hm~2·mm。

    Under the condition of no-tillage with more than 4500kg / hm2 of maize stalk mulched , increments of maize yields was 22.15 % - 25.65 % , water use efficiency of soil moisture increased 2.9625kg / hm2 · mm .

  16. 土壤水分利用率偏低。黄土高原地区,0~5m土层的农田存有剩余有效水为463.16~413.4mm;

    The use ration of the soil moisture is lower , the surplus available water in the depth of 0 ~ 5 m varies from 413.40 to 463.16 mm ;

  17. 以酸性紫色土(pH值5.45),粘黄壤(pH值4.99)和砂岩黄壤(pH值4.30)为供试土壤,利用盆栽试验比较分析了6个紫花苜蓿品种的生长表现。

    Three types of acid soils : acid purple soil ( pH value 5.45 ), acid clay yellow soil ( pH value 4.99 ), and acid sandy yellow soil ( pH value 4.30 ), were used in a pot experiment to study the growth of 6 types of Medicago sativa .

  18. 从降低蔬菜地NO3-N淋失风险的角度分析,目前农民习惯采用的传统施氮处理的土壤可以利用种植填闲作物的方式降低土壤NO3-N淋失风险,但优化施氮处理和经济施氮处理不宜采用。

    With a view to reduce the latent risk of nitrate leaching , the method of nitrogen-catch crop could be adopted in traditional farming . However , the improved and economic applied N-fertilizer treatment was improper .

  19. 湿地农田低产土壤改良利用研究

    A study on wet land low yield soil and its improvement

  20. 烟草移栽期与烟田土壤水分利用关系的研究

    Relationship between Transplanting Dete and Soil Moisture Utilization in Tobacco Field

  21. 提出了土壤持续利用途径。

    At last the methods of soil sustainable utilization was proposed .

  22. 提高旱地土壤氮肥利用效率的途径和对策

    Ways and strategies for increasing fertilizer nitrogen efficiency in Dryland Soil

  23. 有机肥对提高旱作土壤水分利用率的效应

    The Effect of Organic Fertilizer Upon Water Use Efficiency in Rainfed Land

  24. 试论河北省海岸带土壤开发利用

    On soil exploitation and utilization in the seashore belt of Hebei Province

  25. 天津港港区绿化建设对现有土壤改良利用初探

    Application of Improved Soil in Afforestation of Tianjin Harbor Area

  26. 黄土高原的土壤水分利用与生态环境的关系

    Relationship Between Soil Water Utilization and Ecological Environment in the Loess Plateau

  27. 通过研究土壤水分利用率,得出在研究区内土壤水分利用效率不高。

    The water use efficiency of stand is low in experimental watershed .

  28. 海南岛土壤资源利用方向的判别分析

    Discriminant analysis of soil utilization modes in Hainan Island

  29. 几种重盐碱地土壤改良利用模式的比较

    Comparison of Several Amelioration Models for High Saline-alkaline Soil

  30. 最后研究提出了土壤持续利用的有效技术途径。

    At last , some technological methods for soil sustainable utilization were proposed .