
  • 网络soil investigation;Soil survey
  1. 城市园林绿地土壤调查简报

    Primary soil investigation report of urban greenery

  2. 进行现场勘测和调查,包括井位、新通道、现有通道和桥梁处的土壤调查。

    Perform site survey and site investigation including soil investigation at the well locations , new access roads , existing access roads and bridges .

  3. 应用卫星磁带(CCT)字符图进行县级土壤调查和制图的研究

    A study of county-level soil survey and mapping by using Landsat CCT digital-image map

  4. 土壤调查数据地域统计的最佳估值研究&彰武县表层土全氮量的半方差图和块状Kriging估值

    Optimal estimation of soil survey data by geostatistical method & semi-variogram and block Kriging estimation of topsoil nitrogen of Zhangwu County

  5. 近十年内世界各国开展了大量研究,试图将数字地形分析,GIS技术和土壤调查技术相结合,通过对景观信息的分析预测土壤信息。

    Quantified soil-landscape models have received the recognition of more and more soil scientists . In the last decade , many works have been done a of over the world to integrate digital terrain analysis , GIS and soil survey techniques for soil information prediction .

  6. 采用样方法和样线法进行植被和土壤调查,在2005年到2009年之间,每年的6-8月进行调查,采用TWINSPAN双向指示种分类法和植物多样性计算了解盐池县的植被现状及其恢复情况。

    Investigate vegetation and soil by sampling method and Line transects from June to August between 2005 and 2009 , and come to understand status and recovery of vegetation in Yanchi county by using TWINSPAN two-way indicator species classification and Plant diversity calculation .

  7. X-荧光光谱法在土壤调查中的应用

    Determination of Multielements in Soils and Sediments by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  8. 依靠传统土壤调查技术获得的土壤图则无法满足这种需求。

    Traditional soil survey technology can not meet this demand .

  9. 土壤调查对平台结构设计的影响

    Effect to the Platform Structure Design by the Soils Investigation

  10. 大比例尺航片土壤调查制图研究&以江苏宜兴川埠公社为例

    Researches on soil survey and mapping by large - scale aerial photograph

  11. 介绍一种新的土壤调查数据库系统&SDBm

    An introduction to the new kind of soil survey database-sdb_m

  12. 对亚布力林业局庆阳林场土壤调查情况的分析

    Yabuli Forestry Bureau of Qingyang Forest soil survey analysis

  13. 土壤调查地区级汇总的遥感制图试验研究

    A Pilot Study on Soil Mapping with Remote Sensing Data at Prefectural level

  14. 浙江嘉湖平原桑园土壤调查研究

    Survey and Investigation on Mulberry Field Soil In Jia Hu Plain of the Northern Zhejiang Province

  15. 对株洲市铅锌冶炼厂生产区进行了植被和土壤调查。

    In this paper , soils and native vegetation in the vicinity of Zhuzhou Pb-Zn Smelting Factory were investigated .

  16. 在如东县棉花原种场大比例尺土壤调查的基础上研究了该场滨海盐渍土变化的特点。

    This study is based on the large scale map of soil survey of Rudong Cotton Raw Seed Growing Farm .

  17. 为此,在土壤调查与区划时,必须重视深部地质因素。

    When we investigate soils and divide them , We must pay a great attention to the geological factors in depth .

  18. 通过对雷州半岛桉树人工林大面积土壤调查,揭示了桉树人工林地力退化的现状和特征。

    This paper reveals the current status and characteristics of land capacity degeneration of eucalyptus plantation in Leizhou Peninsula through investigation .

  19. 在土壤调查的基础上,对沈阳市盐渍土的生态分布、剖面特性进行了分析;

    Based on the surveys , we investigated the ecological distribution and the depth properties of saline soils in Shenyang region .

  20. 遥感技术在土壤调查与制图中的应用研究Ⅱ.晋江地区土壤区划的卫片解译

    THE APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING TECHNOLOGY TO SOIL SURVEYS & II : MSS Image Interpretation of Soils Division in Jinjiang Region of Fujian Province

  21. 土壤调查按研究的目的不同,可分为农业土壤学调查,环境土壤学调查和地球化学土壤学调查。

    According to the aims of various studies , soil survey can be divided as agriculture agrology survey , environment agrology survey , geochemistry agrology survey .

  22. 在福建省长汀县水土流失区土壤调查与实验的基础上,对土壤理化特征进行深入分析。

    Based on soil investigation and experimentation in the area of soil and water loss in Changtin , the physical and chemical characteristics of soil were analyzed .

  23. 本文在各种土壤调查报告和文献的基础上初步编绘了一份中国变性土及变性土性土壤分布图。

    This paper deals with a preliminary map of Vertisols and Vertic soils in China , compiled on the basis of different soil survey reports and publications .

  24. 用于大比例尺土壤调查的侵蚀分级指标研究&以辽宁西部低山丘陵区为例

    Study on the Soil Erosion Criterion Used for Large Scale Soil Investigation & A Case Study in Low Middle Mountain and Hill Area of Western Part of Liaoning Province

  25. 本文经过四年的试验及多次的土壤调查,科学地总结出武威市川区土壤养分存在的问题是缺磷、少氮、有机质较缺。

    A 4-year experimental field study and soil investigations were conducted to determine the problems of lacking in phosphorus , nitrogen and organic matter in flat land , Wuwei County .

  26. 对已废弃3000余年的湖北铜绿山古冶炼渣堆进行了植被和土壤调查。

    A field survey of soil and higher plants growing on an ancient copper spoil heap ( 3000 years old ) on Tonglushan in Hubei Province , China was conducted .

  27. 土壤调查是土壤分类研究的基本手段与重要基础,同时土壤分类研究又为土壤调查提供理论支撑和方向把握。

    The soil survey is the basic means and an important foundation for the research of soil classification , and soil classification can provide theoretical support and direction to soil survey at the same time .

  28. 通过对20世纪以来华北平原土壤调查数据的分析对比,揭示了从传统农业向现代农业转变的过程中土壤肥力的变化。

    After a comparative analysis on the soil investigation data of North China Plain in the 20th century , the changes of soil fertility in the process of agriculture practices changing from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture have been expounded .

  29. 基于野外土壤调查与样品分析数据,应用数理统计分析方法,揭示了南通市城市边缘带土壤肥力特征、影响因素、变化趋势以及时空规律。

    Based on data obtained from field soil investigations and laboratory analysis , status , spatio-temporal variation and evaluating tendency of soil fertility in the peri-urban areas of Nantong were studied , with the aid of the mathematical statistics-based analysis methods .

  30. 依据土壤调查、试验研究材料,论证土壤肥力表氮、磷、钾和氧因子各级、型因子状态及其偏产量势值。

    The states of factors concerning the different levels and patterns of air , nitrogen and phosphorus as well as the value of partial yield potential in the soil fertility list were proved by the data from soil surveys and experimental researches .