
  • 网络Pentecost;whitsun;whitsunday;Whit Monday
  1. 从西元4世纪开始,将复活节(Easter)后第四十天,及圣灵降临节的前十天订为耶稣升天日。

    Since the 4th century , it has been celebrated 40 days after Easter and 10 days before Pentecost .

  2. 后面是圣餐仪式。复活节和圣灵降临节是这种合办的典礼仪式的时机。

    It was followed by the Eucharist , Eastern and Pentecost were the times of such joint sacramental occasions .

  3. 乐团在周一的圣灵降临节举行了首场演出。

    The orchestra gave its first performance on Whit Monday .

  4. 我们圣灵降临节要去苏格兰玩一个星期。

    We 're going to Scotland for a week at whitsun .

  5. 其主要的节日有圣诞节,复活节,圣灵降临节上传:韩萱。

    The Christian festival of the year and Christmas , Easter , and Whit Sunday .

  6. 属于或关于圣灵降临节的宗教信仰或其信徒的,或有其特点的。

    Of or relating to or characteristic of any of various Pentecostal religious bodies or their members .

  7. 他们所唯一缺乏的,只是在圣灵降临节时天赐给特选圣徒们的天才,即火焰的舌头;

    All that they lacked was , the gift that descended upon the chosen disciples at Pentecost , in tongues of flame ;

  8. 灼热的光比柴枝的火更烈比火盆更旺,激起麻木的精神:没有风,只有圣灵降临节的火

    And glow more intense than blaze of branch , or brazier , Stirs the dumb spirit : no wind , but pentecostal fire

  9. 他们返回了耶路撒冷,在那里,在圣灵降临节,逾越节后五十天,他们收到了圣灵的礼物。

    They returned to Jerusalem , where at Pentecost , fifty days after the Passover , they received the gift of the Holly Spirit .