
shènɡ dàn lǎo rén
  • Santa Claus;Father Christmas
圣诞老人 [shèng dàn lǎo rén]
  • [Santa Claus] 基督教传说中在圣诞节晚上到各家给儿童送礼物的老人。西方国家有在圣诞节夜晚扮圣诞老人给儿童送礼物的风俗

  1. 19世纪,圣诞老人的习俗似乎又传回了欧洲。

    In the 19th century , the Santa Claus tradition seems to have been transplanted back to Europe

  2. 事实上,他让她想起了圣诞老人。

    In fact , he reminded her of Santa Claus .

  3. 荷兰人有一套自己的风俗,孩子们会将鞋子放在外面,圣诞老人到来时便会在里面装满礼品。

    The Dutch developed a custom by which children put out shoes which Saint Nicholas would fill with gifts when he came visiting .

  4. 我们把爷爷化装成圣诞老人。

    We get grandfather up as father christmas .

  5. "是圣诞老人,"莫莉笑着说。

    " Santa did , " said Molly smilingly .

  6. 节日期间,游客可以在伊顿的圣诞老人村散步。村子每天开放。

    During the holiday season , visitors can take a walk in Eaton 's Santa 's Village.Open daily .

  7. 从1936年到1997年,友谊日都不像圣诞节那样有圣诞老人作为象征。

    Between 1936 and 1997 , Friendship Day didn 't have a symbol , like Santa Claus for Christmas .

  8. 圣诞老人是真的,还是人们凭空臆造出来的?

    Is Santa real or just a figment of people 's imagination ?

  9. 我“被自愿”地当了圣诞老人。

    Example : I was " voluntold " to be Santa Claus .

  10. 瑞典人的圣诞节里没有圣诞老人,但他们却有一个圣诞守护神。

    The Swedes do not have Santa Claus.What they have is Christmas Gnome .

  11. 6岁的苏珊一直对其他孩子都相信的“圣诞老人”的存在持怀疑态度。

    Six-year-old Susan has doubts about childhood 's most enduring miracle - Santa Claus .

  12. 该片讲述了一位玩具师傅的故事——他在北极发现了一个魔法精灵王国,自己也因此成为了圣诞老人。

    This is the story of a master toymaker who discovers a magical kingdom of elves in the North Pole and becomes Santa Claus .

  13. 圣诞老人常常会在游行尾声出现,而圣诞老人最会让人感染节日的精神了。

    Oftentimes , Santa would appear at the end of the parade , and Santa is really good at getting people in the holiday spirit .

  14. 不过,在一家百货商店,她遇到了一位很特别的圣诞老人:他相信自己就是真的圣诞老人。苏珊因此获得了最珍贵的礼物。

    But after meeting a special department store Santa who 's convinced he 's the real thing , Susan is given the most precious gift of all .

  15. “白色谎言”指善意的谎言,比如父母关于圣诞老人的谎言。和“白色谎言”相反,“黑色谎言”指的是恶意的谎言。

    In contrary to white lies , which refers to well-intentioned lies , such as parents ' lies about Santa Claus , black lies refers to malicious lies .

  16. 妈妈也很早就告诉过她圣诞老人的“秘密”了,所以对于是否能收到圣诞礼物清单上她最想要的礼物,她是不抱什么希望的。

    Her mother told her the " secret " about Santa a long time ago , so Susan doesn 't expect to receive the most important gifts on her Christmas list .

  17. Clifford从圣诞老人那收到的第一份圣诞礼物是一根骨头。

    Clifford 's first present from Santa was a bone .

  18. 此外,如果是用英语读的话,听上去就非常像圣诞老人(SantaClaus)。

    And so , when the English said this word , it sounded like Santa Claus .

  19. CNN特派员理查德·奎斯特:看这封信,北极,圣诞老人收。

    RICHARD QUEST , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Look at this , Father Christmas , North Pole .

  20. 圣诞老人带着可怜的Rudolph到了兽医诊所。

    Santa Claus brings poor Rudolph to the vet .

  21. 如果是价位在700美元以下的产品,我希望圣诞老人给我带来的是第四代ipodtouch。

    But for $ 700 less , the gadget of the year that Santa will be bringing me will be a fourth-generation iPod touch .

  22. 在中国,丘比特(Cupid)和圣诞老人(Santa)似乎已合为一体,给耶稣的生日带来浪漫的情调。

    In China , Cupid and Santa seem to have interbred to give Christ 's birthday a romantic flavour .

  23. 内战期间,艺术家托马斯•纳斯特(ThomasNast)开始创作圣诞老人的漫画,这成为了战争恐怖下人们的娱乐。

    During the Civil War , a magazine artist named Thomas Nast began drawing cartoons of Santa as a diversion for readers from the horrors of war .

  24. 在洛杉矶经营一家圣诞老人培训学校的蒂姆•康诺翰说,孩子们会听到E打头的单词,但不是埃尔莫(Elmo,儿童电视节目“芝麻街”中的玩偶名字),而是经济。

    ' Kids will hear the E-word , but it 's not Elmo , 'says Tim Connaghan , who runs a Los Angeles Santa-training school . 'It 's the economy . '

  25. 时至今日,孩子们依然满心激动地等待着猛冲者(Dasher)、欢腾(Prancer)和其它会飞的驯鹿拉着圣诞老人的雪橇,满世界兜转,递送他们的礼物。

    Children still wait excitedly for Dasher , Prancer and the other flying reindeer that pulled Santa Claus 's sleigh round the world to deliver their presents .

  26. 总统参加了由北美防务司令部(NORAD)设立的圣诞老人追踪项目,该项目让儿童可以通过打电话来确认圣诞老人和他的驯鹿位置。

    The president was taking part in a Santa-tracking programme set up by the North American Defense Command ( NORAD ) , which allows children to call up and find out where Santa and his reindeer are in the world .

  27. 最近,一个塑料圣诞老人被人从门上撕掉了。

    Recently a plastic Santa Claus was ripped off a door .

  28. 在平安夜,圣诞老人用礼物装满每个长袜子。

    Santa Claus fills each stocking with presents on Christmas Eve .

  29. 孩子们见到圣诞老人时心中充满敬畏之情。

    The sight of Father Christmas failed the children with awe .

  30. 圣诞老人给三姐妹带去了什么礼物?

    Nicholas gave the present of gold to the three sisters .