
  • 网络Mediterranean coastal countries;the littoral countries of the Mediterranean
  1. 对于地中海沿岸国家则不能完全这么说。

    That cannot really be said about the Mediterranean .

  2. 作为欧盟地区政策中的重要一环,地中海沿岸国家一直是欧盟重要的战略伙伴。

    As an important part of the EU regional policy , Mediterranean countries have always been important strategic partners of the EU .

  3. 其次,分四大区域来研究葡萄牙马兰诺的生存状况。这四大区域分别为邻国西班牙,地中海沿岸国家,西欧北欧诸国和新大陆。

    Secondly , this article studies the living situation of the Portuguese Marranos outside Portugal through four areas , including Spain , Mediterranean countries , Western Europe and Nordic countries and the New World .

  4. 但这种类比也有局限性:美国是一个非常强大的国家,而且在金融动荡时期显得安全而又稳定。对于地中海沿岸国家则不能完全这么说。

    But there are limits to the parallel : the US is a very powerful country , and looks like a safe and stable place in times of financial turmoil . That cannot really be said about the Mediterranean .

  5. 地中海沿岸的国家将变得更加具有重要文化意义,甚至我们今天的语言会完全不同。

    The Mediterranean countries would have become far more culturally significant and even our languages today would have been entirely different .

  6. 青花菜起源于地中海沿岸,欧洲一些国家拥有较丰富的遗传资源,而我国的青花菜资源的收集和新品种选育起步较晚,现有可利用的优异种质资源十分紧缺。

    Broccoli originated from the Mediterranean , and some European countries have rich germplasm resources . But we have a later start to collect the resource and breeding , and the superior germplasm resources for using are very scarce .