
  1. 藏地城镇空间地域特征的宗教成因

    A Religionary Factor in Regional Characteristic of Town Space in Zang District

  2. 寒地城镇生态规划策略研究

    The Strategic Research on Tow Eco-Planning in Cold Regions

  3. 国外寒地城镇环境建设关键技术研究

    Study of key techniques of town environment construction in cold areas of Some developed countries

  4. 曲靖各区县市政府所在地城镇职能分类研究

    A Study on the Town Functional Classification of Each District and County 's Seat of Government in Qujing

  5. 主要通过文献资料法、问卷调查法、实地访谈法和数理统计法,对广西桂北地城镇社会弱势群体的体育公共服务进行相关调查。

    The second part through the literature data method , questionnaire and on-the-spot interview and mathematical statistics , north guangxi social vulnerable groups to town of investigation with sports public service .

  6. 研究显示出,影响藏地城镇空间的文化因素,并不完全在于宗教本身,更在于宗教影响下的社会生活方式。

    The research indicates that the cultural factor affecting town space in Zang district was not consisted in religion completely , and was more consisted in social lifestyle under religious influence .

  7. 本部分从区位劣势,乡镇企业,产业结构,劳动力自身素质及流入地城镇体系五个方面找出陕西农村剩余劳动力转移中存在的不足,并进一步对转移过程中存在问题的原因予以剖析。

    This section analyzes existing problems of rural surplus labour transfer in Shaanxi from five perspectives , including geographical location disadvantages , township enterprises , industrial structure , labour personal quality and metropolitan situation in destination place .

  8. 同时以农村居民地、城镇居民地和耕地数据建立人口空间化模型,在GIS的支持下实现山东省2000年人口统计数据空间化。

    Based on it , population distribution was modeled according to data of the rural residential area , city residential area and cultivated land area , and then distributed the statistic population of Shandong province in 2000 in aid of GIS .

  9. 为求稳妥,我走开了。积极稳妥地推进城镇化。

    We will actively and prudently build more cities and towns .

  10. 北部殖民地的城镇很集中,规模较小。

    Towns in the Northern colonies were centralized and compact .

  11. 车流缓慢地穿过城镇。

    The line of traffic progressed slowly through the town .

  12. 亚诺河优雅地流过城镇中心…这-切都那么美好。

    and the Arno , flowing quaintly through the centre of the town ;

  13. 要不失时机地实施城镇化战略

    Seizing Opportunities to Implement the Urbanization Strategy

  14. 接着对冷地小城镇街道景观的影响因素进行分析。

    Then carries on the analysis to coldly the small cities street landscape influence factor .

  15. 以更好地解决城镇低收入群体的住房问题,促进社会和谐。

    By solves the cities low income community 's accommodation well , the promotion society is harmonious .

  16. 25、积极稳妥地推进城镇化。

    Pressing ahead with urbanization .

  17. 城镇建设用地是城镇经济发展的重要物质载体。

    Urban constructive land use is the carrier on which cities carry out their economic and social activities .

  18. 城镇化可表述为农村人口持续地向城镇转移的过程。

    Urbanization is generally expressed as the process of population shifting from the rural countryside to the urban sector .

  19. 他们像游牧民,但是更适合生活在沙漠中并更多地访问城镇。

    They are like Nomads , but much more accomodated to live in deserts and visit towns more often .

  20. 该结论对于当下如何积极稳妥地推进城镇化进程,提供了一种政策启示和可能的选择。

    The conclusion provides a policy implications and possible options for how to promote urbanization actively and steadily in current .

  21. 第四部分为市场经济条件下巴蜀山地历史城镇的保护观研究。

    The fourth part researched on the protection view of the historic towns of BaShu mountain region under market economy terms .

  22. 通过比较分析,发现不同的分类方法在乡村居住用地和城镇居住用地的分类效果不同。

    It was found that different classification methods have different classification results in both rural residential area and urban residential area .

  23. 积极稳妥地推进城镇化,促进农村劳动力向非农产业转移。

    Urbanization should proceed in a positive and sound manner and rural workforce should be encouraged to shift to non-agricultural industries .

  24. 后来,当工业化在纺织及其它行业创造出更好的就业机会时,农村人口往往自发地迁至城镇。

    Later , country-dwellers often voluntarily moved to towns when industrialisation created better jobs , in textile mills and the like .

  25. 本文运用主成分法和聚类分析法,对山东省16个市地的城镇居民消费水平,进行了比较分析。

    This paper applies the method of principle components analysis to analyze the level of urban residents ' consumption in Shandong province .

  26. 城镇建成区面积的变化真实地反映城镇化进程,同时也反映城镇空间结构的演变状况和演进趋势。

    The change of town-constructed area truly reflected the urbanization process and also reflected the development and the tendency of the town spatial structure .

  27. 三峡库区耕地城镇化及城镇扩展测度积极稳妥地推进城镇化。

    Cultivated land urbanization and measure of urban land expansion in Three Gorges reservoir area We will actively and prudently build more cities and towns .

  28. 检验结果表明所建立的模型可较好地预测城镇居民人均年收入的短期动态变化趋势。

    The result shows that the model can predict the short-term dynamic trends of the per capita annual income in cities and towns quite well .

  29. 第四,第二产业和第三产业集聚都能够显著地推进城镇化进程,且第三产业效果更为明显。

    Fourthly , the agglomeration of secondary industry and tertiary industry can significantly promote the urbanization process , and the third industry effect is more apparent .

  30. 近年来,综合用地在城镇土地利用中的比例增长迅速,地位也愈显重要,对其价格的评估已成为目前土地评估市场的主旋律。

    In recent years , the comprehensive land proportion was growing rapidly in city land use , and its position was more and more important also .