
  • 网络Exoplanets;exoplanet;superior planet
  1. 这颗不同寻常的地外行星被命名为HD131399Ab,它位于南方巨大的人马星座上,距地球320光年。

    Known as HD 131399Ab , the unusual exoplanet is located 320 light-years from Earth in the large southern constellation Centaurus .

  2. 虽然它是温度最冷的地外行星中被天文望远镜直接捕捉到影像的一个(而不是在从其宿星前经过时被检测到一抹暗淡的星光),HD131399Ab星球上的平均温度超过华氏1000度,远超人类耐热标准。

    And while it 's one of the coldest exoplanets ever to be directly imaged by a telescope ( rather than detected as a result of the dimming of starlight as it passes in front of its host star ) , HD 131399Ab is very hot by human standards . The average temperature exceeds 1000 degrees Fahrenheit .

  3. 这颗被称为WASP12b的地外行星是一个巨大的气体行星,就像木星那样。

    The exoplanet , called WASP 12 b , is a gas giant , like Jupiter .

  4. 首先,因为它们围绕恒星旋转,研究这些地外行星也就相对容易。

    For one thing , studying these exoplanets will be relatively easy because of how they rotate around their star .

  5. 随着人类探索太空的步伐进一步加大,人们开始寻求一种地外行星探测的解决方案。

    As human extend the exploration range of the outer space , people started to seek for the approaches of remote planet exploration .

  6. 尽管该星系中的所有地外行星都可能存在生命,其中分布在宜居带内的三颗行星可能性更大。

    Although all the exoplanets in this system are legitimate candidates to host alien life , three in particular are soundly in what is called the habitable zone .

  7. 由于恒星的性质,这些地外行星温度适宜,表面的低温正好有机会生成液态水。

    These exoplanets also have reasonable temperatures due to the nature of their star . So they are cool enough for liquid water to have a chance to form .

  8. 水和某种能量资源是生命存在的必要条件,某些行星、地外行星和卫星能满足这些条件不足为奇。

    The main necessities for life are water and some form of energy source . Not surprisingly , there are some planets , exoplanets , and moons that fit the bill .

  9. 从某种角度来说,此时的地球会与那些潮汐锁定的地外行星类似——这样的行星常见于红矮星宜居带里,但更好的比较对象也许是非常早期的金星。

    In some ways , this Earth would resemble one of the tidally locked exoplanets commonly found in a red dwarf star 's habitable zone , but a better comparison might be a very early Venus .

  10. 随着航天科技的发展,对地外行星的探测日益频繁和深入。在复杂地形条件下实现着陆点的准确选取已成为行星软着陆的一项关键技术。

    With the development of astronautical technology , the exploration of superior planets becomes deeper and more frequent . It has been a crucial technology to select correct landing site in complex terrain for planetary soft landing .

  11. 越来越多的证据显示火山作用是引起这次生物集群绝灭最可能的原因,虽然其他的因素,如海平面变化,海洋缺氧,地外行星撞击,甲烷及其水合物释放等,还没有排除。

    More and more evidences show that the volcanism might be the most likely cause of this event , although others triggers , such as sea level change , oceanic anoxia , bolide impact , methane gas hydrates , have not been excluded .

  12. 我们可以通过望远镜来观测凌日现象,即这些行星从恒星面前穿过并遮挡住恒星。当一颗地外行星从恒星和地球之间穿过,我们能看到恒星短暂的微光。

    We can use a telescope to observe their transits , which is when they eclipse their star by passing directly in front of it from our perspective . We see the temporary dimming of the star 's light as an exoplanet passes between the star and Earth .