
  • 网络Endemic species;local species;localspecies;local race;land race
  1. 芸薹属的六个种,在长期自然和栽培条件下,经过繁复的杂交与选择后,形成了许多变种和地方种,使其具有丰富的遗传多样性和相互间亲缘关系复杂的特点。

    The six Brassica species have formed a number of variants and local species , just because of a complex hybridization , selection under the condition of long-term natural and cultivated environment . Therefore , they have the characteristics of abundant genetic diversity and very complex genetic relationships .

  2. 用SSR标记对云南爆裂玉米地方种遗传多样性的研究

    Genetic Diversity of Popcorn Landraces in Yunnan by SSR Markers

  3. 太湖地区晚粳地方种稻米RVA谱特征多样性分析

    Analysis of RVA Profile Diversity in Local Late Japonica Rice at Taihu Lake Area

  4. 太湖流域水稻地方种的稻米品质RVA谱多样性淮北地区几种稻作方式及其应用前景

    Diversity of RVA Profile in Local Rice from Taihu Lake Area Rice Planting Patterns in Huaibei and Application Prospects

  5. 本文报道了对云南省100个水稻样品,其中包括81个地方种、10个改良种和9个低直链淀粉含量突变体进行十二烷硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分析的结果。

    A total of 100 samples , including 81 landraces , 10 improved varieties and 9 low amylose mutants , were analyzed for proteins in rice endosperm by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS PAGE ) .

  6. 综述分子标记在大麦耐非生物胁迫研究中的应用及其研究进展,包括发育基因效应、野生种或地方种的变异、遗传(QTLs)图谱等。

    This article represents some of the major aspects of abiotic stress research in barley including developmental genes , wild species / landrace variation , and genetic mapping ( QTLs ), and the research advance and current objectives in the use of molecular markers to abiotic stress tolerance .

  7. 他在住的地方种了许多树。

    He planted many trees where he lived .

  8. 莎尼要在一块有阳光而水源却很少的地方种一棵植物。

    Sani wants to grow a plant in an area which is exposed to sunlight but has as very little water source .

  9. 他在自己房子后面的一块秘密的地方种过一些野生种子,每天给它们浇水,以天然的方式培育着。

    He had planted those few wild seeds in a secret plot behind his house , and watered them every day , the natural way .

  10. 川、滇、黔白蜡虫几个代表性地方种虫经济性状的比较研究

    Comparative studies on some economic characters of the white wax scale " seed " produced in several different regions in PROVENCES of Sichuan Yunnan and Guizhou

  11. 那么,一个好的银行能够从各种各样的地方种吸收存款,并能够将存款投资于各式各样的风险中。

    So , a good bank takes deposits from a diversified set of places and puts that money to work in a diversified set of risks .

  12. 他们在许多地方重新种上了珍稀植物。

    They have replanted many areas with rare and unusual plants

  13. 浙江地方猪种线粒体DNA多态及遗传多样性研究

    Genetic diversity of Zhejiang native pig breeds inferred from mitochondrial DNA polymorphism

  14. 中国部分地方猪种微卫星DNA指纹的群体遗传学研究

    Population genetic analysis of DNA finger printing on Chinese partial local pig varieties

  15. 地方鸡种微卫星DNA指纹图谱建立与遗传多样性研究

    Construction of Microsatellite DNA Fingerprinting and Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Native Chicken Breeds

  16. 采用微卫星DNA标记分析部分地方鸡种保种场的保种效果

    Conservation Efficiency of Local Chicken Breeds in Different Farms as Revealed by Microsatellite Markers

  17. 3个地方鸡种线粒体DNACoⅠ基因条形码遗传多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity of CO ⅰ Gene as DNA Barcodes in Three Indigenous Chicken Breeds

  18. 猪线粒体DNA多态性与中国地方猪种起源分化的关系

    The Relationship Between Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism and Origin and Differentiation of Native Pig Breeds in China

  19. 氟烷基因在中国地方猪种中的分布及其PCR产物序列多态性研究

    The Distribution of Halothane Gene in Chinese Native Pigs and DNA Sequence Polymorphisms of the Amplification Products

  20. RAPD技术对地方鸡种群体遗传结构的分析

    Analysis on Genetic Constitution of Population in local Breeds by RAPD Technique

  21. 线粒体DNA遗传多样性用于评价6个中国地方猪种和3个瑞典家猪系统发育关系。

    Mitochondrial DNA genetic polymorphisms were used to evaluate the relationship between 6 Chinese indigenous pig breeds and 3 Swedish domestic pig breeds .

  22. 江西省主要地方鸡种的RAPD分析及其群体遗传关系的研究

    Study on Population Genetic Relationships among Jiangxi Native Chicken Breeds by RAPD Analysis

  23. 26份四川水稻地方矮种品种株高对GA3反应可分为敏感型和非敏感型。

    The effect of GA3 on plant height of 26 local semidwarf rice varieties in Sichuan was presented .

  24. 我国地方猪种清平猪、小梅山猪、金华猪ESR基因B等位基因频率都较高,分别为0.884、0.744、0.617;

    The gene frequency of allele B in Qingping , small Meishan , Jinhua was 0.884 、 0.744 、 0.617 respectively .

  25. 安徽四个地方猪种Leptin基因多态性研究及其与产仔性状的关联分析

    Polymorphism Analysis on Leptin Gene and Association with Litter Size Performance in Four Anhui Local Pig Breeds

  26. 江西地方鸡种的AFLP多态性及其群体遗传关系

    Polymorphism of Jiangxi Indigenous Chicken Breeds and Its Population Genetic Relationships Inferred by AFLP Analysis

  27. 首次利用热变性法对9株地方犬种布氏菌DNA的G+C含量进行了测定,同时以2株国际标准株为对照。

    The DNA base composition in 9 local strains of Brucella were first determined with thermal denaturation and compared with those , of two international reference strains of B. canis .

  28. 大骨鸡共159条带,其中74条阳性带。然而3个地方鸡种的W染色体G带带纹一致,表明家鸡W染色体在进化上相当保守。

    G bands of W chromosomes of the three breeds were same , meaned that the evolution of W chromosomes of Chinese native chickens very conservative .

  29. 此外,各地方鸡种肌肉硫胺素含量与体重相关分析表明,肌肉硫胺素含量与体重呈负相关,其中乌骨鸡、油鸡相关系数达极显著水平(P<0.01)。

    In addition , there are significant negative correlation relationship between contents in muscle thiamine and body weight at 12 weeks of age in Silkes and Beijing fatty chickens ( P < 0 01 ) .

  30. ESR和FSHβ基因与安徽四个地方猪种产仔性状的关联分析

    The Association Analysis on the Effect of ESR and FSH β Gene to Litter Size in Four Local Anhui Pig Breeds