
dì pí
  • land;ground;land for building
地皮 [dì pí]
  • (1) [land for building site]∶ 供建筑用的土地

  • (2) [surface of ground]∶地的表面

  • 阴雨天地皮潮湿

  1. 雨停了,地皮还没有干。

    The ground is still wet from the rain .

  2. 办公大楼为了配合可用的地皮建造得略呈之字形。

    The office buildings were slightly zigzagged to fit available ground space .

  3. 该公司正在变卖几块地皮,全力削减债务。

    The company is selling off some sites and concentrating on cutting debts

  4. 他们的家建在他父亲拥有的地皮上。

    Their home is on his father 's land

  5. 政府禁止在一块未开发地皮上建设新机场的。

    The Government has ruled out the building of a new airport on a greenfield site .

  6. 他们有一块供盖房用的地皮。

    They have a plot for building a house .

  7. 他们划出一块半英亩的地皮来做房屋地基。

    They measured off a half-acre plot for a house lot .

  8. 他死后,他的土地被分割成适合建筑房屋的小块地皮。

    After his death , his land was broken up into areas suitable for building houses .

  9. 母亲指着前面那片树林,说:“那块地一直没有卖出去,据说是因为不管是谁,只要是想在那里盖什么,总会碰到太多的麻烦,而最终人们也就把这块地皮放弃了。”

    My mother pointed5 ahead to where the trees were and said , " The story says that the land here has never sold because every time someone would try to build on it , too many things would go wrong and eventually people gave up . "

  10. 两家公司说,它们将与上海市静安区房地产开发经营公司(JinganDistrictLandDevelopment)合资,开发上海中心地段的四块地皮。

    The two companies said they would form a joint venture with Shanghai Jingan District Land Development to develop four sites in central Shanghai .

  11. 按回归分析,X3、X4、X6、X7每增加1,分别意味着当地皮棉比上年度有增加33.9%、36.8%、16.8%、12.7%的趋势。

    If X3 , X4 , X6 and X7 are increased for 1 , there is a trend of increasing 33.9 % , 36.8 % , 16.8 % and 12.7 % respectively to the values of last year .

  12. 城市出售地皮以清除巨大的预算赤字。

    The city sold property to erase a huge budget deficit .

  13. 有些地方回想移民提供地皮及很多优惠政策。

    Some places offer land to immigrants on very favorable terms .

  14. 他们在水边买了一块极好的地皮。

    They bought a choice piece of property near the water .

  15. 史密斯一家正在购买地皮建新房。

    The Smiths are buying a plot for their new house .

  16. 除了这家杂货店,她还买了地皮和几家加油站。

    She bought land and a couple of gas stations .

  17. 克拉克在新奥尔良买了一块巨大的地皮

    Clark bought a big , sparkly belt in New Orleans

  18. 他们通过买卖地皮挣了钱。

    They make their money buying and selling land for house building .

  19. 他的野心是有朝一日在那地皮上盖起一栋房子。

    His ambition was some day to build a house on them .

  20. 这块地皮已经拨作建一座新医院。

    That space has been allocated for a new hospital .

  21. “这块地皮的主人把它卖掉了。”

    " The man who owns this ground has sold it . "

  22. 我们以为这座新工厂选好了一块地皮。

    We have chosen a site for the new factory .

  23. 没有永久性建筑的一块地皮。

    A lot on which there are no permanent buildings .

  24. 他因裙带关系而拥有那块地皮。

    He holds the land by the apron - string .

  25. 移民可以得到提供的地皮建造自己的房子。

    Immigrants are provided with sites on which to build their own houses .

  26. 那个地区还有好几块空地皮可以用来造房子。

    There are several vacant plots available for building on in this area .

  27. 他家现在住的地皮是原来的地主老蒋家的。

    His family now live in land is the original landlord Chiang Kai-users .

  28. 能买的地皮他们一直在买。

    They have been buying up all available land .

  29. 那块地皮已分成若干小块但尚未开发。

    The site had been subdivided but not developed .

  30. 得为新住宅寻找地皮。

    Land had to be found for new housing .