
  • 网络geological nature reserve
  1. 我国地质自然保护区的建设始于1987年,与美国相比落后了100多年。

    The construction of geological nature reserve was originated in 1987.It lags one hundred year behind America .

  2. 另一是豫西南恐龙蛋化石地质自然保护区。

    Another is the natural protection area of fossil dinosaur eggs geological trace in Southwest Henan .

  3. 地质遗迹自然保护区的建立与管理

    On the Construction and Administration of Natural Protective Areas of Geology Remains

  4. 黑龙江省地质遗迹与自然保护区的开发保护

    Exploitation and Preservation of Geological Relics and Natural Preservation Zones in Heilongjiang Province

  5. 对地质遗迹类自然保护区法律保护问题的研究

    The Legal Protection of Nature Reserve of Geological Trace

  6. 地质遗迹类自然保护区政府管理中面临的问题及改进措施

    Problems and Measurements for the Government Management in the Geological Relics Protection Zone

  7. 并提出将科学旅游,诸如洞穴探险、地质旅游、自然保护区考察和历史考古等作为贵州旅游业向高层次发展的方向。

    And science tourism , such as cave exploration , geological tourism , natural conservation survey and archaeological studies , has also been put forward as orientation of the development with high rank for Guizhou tourism .