
  • 网络Track Cycling;track bicycle;Track Bike
  1. 场地自行车行驶阻力与模拟训练器结构的研究

    The study of track bicycle resistance during riding and structure of training simulator

  2. 场地自行车项目工况模拟训练装置的研究

    Study on Training Simulator for Track Bicycle Match

  3. 德国场地自行车选手克里斯蒂娜•福格尔(KristinaVogel)赢得了本届奥运会场地自行车女子争先赛金牌。她表示,英国在自行车项目上的成功有点“可疑”。

    German track cyclist Kristina Vogel , who won the women 's sprint , said there was something " questionable " about Britain 's cycling success .

  4. 罗梅罗(RebeccaRomero)就是一个例子。她在2004年雅典奥运会夺得赛艇项目银牌,但后来被鼓励换成了场地自行车项目,她在2008年奥运会上夺得该项目的金牌。

    Rebecca Romero , for instance , won a silver medal in rowing at the 2004 Athens Olympics but was later encouraged to switch to track cycling , where she won gold in the 2008 Games .

  5. 美国场地自行车赛队的成员正在使用原本旨在帮助糖尿病患者控制血糖水平的血糖监视器,以及zeo公司的睡眠监视器和pathwaygenomics公司的基因分析仪(能够显示营养需求和肌肉能力)。

    Members of the US track cycling team are using the glucose monitor , designed to help diabetics manage blood sugar levels , as well as a sleep monitor from Zeo and genetic analysis from pathway genomics that indicates nutritional needs and muscular capacity .

  6. 自行车赛包括场地自行车赛和公路自行车赛。

    Cycling races racing include track events and road events .

  7. 论场地自行车短距离项目亚高原训练的可行性

    A Feasibility Study of Sub-altitude Training for Short-distance Events in Track Cycling

  8. 英国选手劳拉·肯尼在场地自行车比赛中获得了四枚金牌。

    Laura Kenny of Great Britain has four gold medals in track cycling .

  9. 场地自行车在直弯道之间的速度波动研究

    Study on the Velocity Fluctuation of Track Cycling

  10. 这些自行车都装有变速换档装置,与场地自行车不同的是没有车闸。

    The bikes are equipped with gears to change speeds and unlike track bikes have brakes .

  11. 英国在场地自行车项目上的成功并非首次引来质疑。

    It 's not the first time that Britain 's success in the velodrome has raised eyebrows .

  12. 2000年悉尼奥运会上,姜翠华获得了女子场地自行车500米项目的铜牌;

    On2000 Sydney Olympics , Jiang Cuihua obtained the bronze medal of500m item for woman track bicycle ;

  13. 除非你是瑞贝卡·阿德林顿(英国游泳健将)、维多利亚·彭德尔顿(英国最出色的场地自行车女车手),或者法拉赫(英国长跑运动员),不然,运动对你来说只是一个有趣的爱好而已。

    Unless your name is Rebecca Adlington , Victoria Pendleton or Mo Farah , sport is probably nothing more than an enjoyable hobby .

  14. 对于英国女王和她的子民们来说,幸运的是,场地自行车的比赛将于周四拉开序幕,这通常是英国夺金的热门项目。

    Fortunately for Her Majesty and her subjects , the action in track cycling begins Thursday , and that is where they Brits usually clean up .

  15. 结果表明,场地自行车比赛时补糖有利于维持运动员的血糖水平,降低血乳酸水平;

    The result shows that it is benefit to maintain the level of blood sugar and reduce blood lactic acid level when replenishing carbohydrate during track competition .

  16. 2016里约奥运会场地自行车赛女子团体竞速赛的争夺中,中国组合宫金杰和钟天使夺得了中国队在奥运会自行车项目上的首枚金牌。

    China claimed its first cycling Olympic gold after Gong Jinjie and Zhong Tianshi won the women 's team sprint in the Rio Olympic Velodrome on Friday .

  17. 采用实验法,探讨场地自行车比赛时补充低聚糖和伟特糖对男子青少年运动员血糖、血乳酸的影响。

    Through using the method of experiment , this paper discusses the influence of carbohydrate and wetargo replenishment on blood sugar , blood lactic acid of junior cyclist during track competition .

  18. 对于英国奥运代表团来说,霍伊在场地自行车赛开赛的第一个晚上所赢取的这枚金牌,是东道国最好的收官战礼物。

    Having won gold on the first night of the track cycling in the men 's team sprint , Hoy 's triumph in the keirin was the perfect finale for Team GB .

  19. 这名36岁的苏格兰选手已经明确表明不会参加2016年奥运会,但是仍然保留场地自行车运动员的身份。

    The 36-year-old Scot is sure he will not carry on for a fifth Games in 2016 , but he is already assured of his status as track cycling 's greatest ever sprinter .

  20. 在《法兰克福汇报》把矛头对准英国在场地自行车项目上的成功之前,不少运动员和教练在里约就此发表了评论,暗示英国队在玩猫腻。

    The Frankfurter Allgemeine 's sniping at Britain 's success in the velodrome came in the wake of comments by a number of athletes and coaches at Rio hinting at skulduggery in the British ranks .

  21. 依据项目的供能特点,结合实验数据的分析,提出了血乳酸在山地自行车爬坡间歇训练、自行车50公里团体项目的有氧训练、场地自行车的速度耐力训练中的应用方法。

    With the combination of characteristics of the cycling ( mountain bike , track cycling and road race ), this paper analysed the experimental data and represented the application of blood lactate in cycling 's training .

  22. 霍伊作为卫冕冠军第四次参加场地自行车比赛。他在比赛中曾被德国选手超越,但随后奋起加速,以一个自行车长度的优势赢得比赛。

    Hoy , the defending Olympic and four-time world champion , hit the front with a lap to go and while he was momentarily overtaken by Germany 's Maximilian Levy on the back straight , he came roaring back to win by a bike length .

  23. 我国场地短距离自行车女子500m全程竞速能力的训练学特征研究

    Study into the Speed Competence of the Women 500m Bicycle in our country