
chuí sǐ
  • dying;moribund
垂死 [chuí sǐ]
  • [moribund;dying] 临近死亡

  • 在垂死痛苦的尖叫声中倒下

垂死[chuí sǐ]
  1. 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。

    Imperialism is monopolistic , parasitic and moribund capitalism .

  2. 世贸组织(WTO)关于出口的现有规定力度不够,而强化这些规定的提议也没能纳入到垂死的多哈回合贸易谈判中。

    Existing World Trade Organisation export rules are weak and proposals to strengthen them failed to make it into the moribund Doha trade talks .

  3. 他的慷慨陈词听起来像是一个衰落的领导层垂死的挣扎。

    His rhetoric sounds like the death rattle of a fading leadership .

  4. 这是垂死者奇怪的幻觉之一。

    It 's one of the strange fancies of a dying person .

  5. 我们看到他处于垂死的痛苦之中。

    We found him in the agonies of death .

  6. 敌人在做垂死的挣扎。

    The enemy are at their last gasp .

  7. 她被领进了一间小屋子,那里有一个垂死的人。

    She was shown into a small room , where there was a dying man .

  8. 它们闪现的速度非常之快,你根本看不到这些词语,it,looks,like,that&,比如,尸体,死亡,垂死

    But they 're being flashed so fast you don 't see anything & words like " corpse ,"" dead ,"" dying . "

  9. 甚至连法律也尊重垂死之人的遗言,容许它们作为传闻证据禁用规则(hearsayrules)外的特例被接纳为证据。

    Even the law reveres a dying person 's final words , allowing them to be admitted as evidence in an unusual exception to hearsay rules .

  10. 双腿截肢的新西兰登山者MarkInglis在他攀登珠穆朗峰的路上,从垂死的英国人身边经过,但他觉得无法即救英国人又能登顶。

    Double-amputee New Zealand climber Mark Inglis passed a dying Briton on his way to Everest 's summit but realising nothing could be done to save him kept trekking to the top .

  11. 呼啸山庄中的一个场景,Heathcliff抱住垂死的Catherine他一生的爱EmilyBronte这样写到“喜怒哀乐全部消失,唯留毫无血色的肌肤上的青紫”。

    In a scene in Wuthering Heights , where Heathcliff embraces dying Catherine the love of his life Emily Bronte writes that there were'four distinct impressions left , blue in the colorless skin ' .

  12. 过去10年,在伦敦与纽约等中心,IPO市场一直处于垂死状态。因此,机构投资者已几乎只交易二手股票,而不是向成长中的企业提供新资金。

    For the past 10 years , in centres such as London and New York , the new issue market has been moribund , and so institutional investors almost exclusively trade second-hand shares , rather than providing fresh capital for growing businesses .

  13. 去年在华盛顿相聚的时候,G-20的领导们保证,坚决反对贸易保护主义,复活垂死的“多哈回合”,实现世界贸易自由化。

    When they met in Washington last November , G-20 leaders pledged to set their faces against protectionism and to revitalize the moribund " Doha Round " of talks on world trade liberalization .

  14. 一个穿越沙漠即将干渴垂死的男人。

    A man was crawling across the desert dying of thirst .

  15. 只有这班飞机可以使得他见到他垂死的父亲。

    One plane might enable him to reach his lying father .

  16. 想想你会挽救一个垂死病人的生命。

    A.Think of a dying person whose life you might save .

  17. 我的心垂死,但他永远不会死去。

    I 'm Dying , but I won 't be dead .

  18. 他们被传唤到垂死的父亲的床边。

    They were summoned to the bed-side of their dying father .

  19. 这位垂死的人把他的灵魂交托给上帝。

    The dying man commended his soul / himself to God .

  20. 垂死苏俄人的呐喊像音乐一样悦耳。

    The screams of dying Russians is music to my ears .

  21. 平原上堆满了死人和垂死的人。

    The plain was covered with the dead and the dying .

  22. 一方面是一个垂死的帝国英国;

    On the one hand a dying Empire , Britain ;

  23. 有时一条垂死的鲸鱼也不过就是条垂死的鲸鱼。

    Sometimes a dying whale is just a dying whale .

  24. 小女孩,你想和一个垂死的人争辩吗?

    Little girl , you would debate a dying man ?

  25. 这可真是蠢驴对垂死的雄狮猛踢了一脚。

    It is the kick of the ass at the dying lion .

  26. 在触地前,血幻化垂死的花。

    Blood come to dying flowers before touch the earth .

  27. 用活的葬礼来帮助垂死的罗伯特。

    In a book she read to help her with Robert dying .

  28. 照顾垂死的母亲耗尽了她的全部精力。

    Looking after her dying mother sapped all her energy .

  29. 那话偶然被那垂死的妇人听到。

    The words caught the ear of the dying woman .

  30. 死者和垂死者横卧沙场。

    The killed and the dying lay on the battlefield .