
Kěn dīnɡ
  • Kenting
  1. 可以多告诉我一些关于垦丁之旅的事吗?

    Can you tell me more about your trip to Kenting ?

  2. 是的,我和家人去过垦丁。

    Yes , I have been to Kenting with my family .

  3. 过去分词当受词例:我看了许多在垦丁拍的照片。

    I looked at a lot of pictures taken in Kenting .

  4. 我在垦丁的时候画的。

    I drew this when I were in Kenting .

  5. 我和我的家人在垦丁很享受我们的假期。

    My family and I enjoyed ourselves in Kenting on our summer vacation .

  6. 我的妻子和我决定采取一个周末前往垦丁。

    My wife and I decided to take a weekend trip to Kenting .

  7. 上星期我到垦丁去度假。

    I was on vacation in Kenting last week .

  8. 垦丁国家公园很有名。我下周日会在家。

    Kenting National Park is very famous . I 'll be home next sunday .

  9. 当我在垦丁旅游时,我住在海边附近的旅馆。

    I slept at a hotel near the beach when I traveled in Kenting .

  10. 音乐盛典每年都会在垦丁举行。

    Spring Scream is a musical extravaganza that is held annually in the Kending area .

  11. 我们公司租了六辆巴士,载全体员工前往垦丁开员工进修会。

    Our company hired six tour buses to take us to our staff retreat in Kending .

  12. 在去垦丁的途中我的摩托车抛锚了,因此我们改搭火车继续旅程。

    My motorcycle broke down on our way to kenting , so we continued on our journey by train .

  13. 当我们到达垦丁公园时,天气非常的炎热,但是我们还是在那度过了一段美好的时光。

    It was very hot when we got to Kenting National Park bwe still had a good time there .

  14. 如台北,高雄,垦丁和台南这些主要城市已经举办了庆祝活动,并设计促销的旅游线路来吸引游客。

    Major cities such as Taipei , Kaohsiung , Kending and Tainan have organized festivals and created promotional tour packages to attract tourists .

  15. 因为多样的地理环境和丰富的资源,垦丁国家公园变成宝岛著名的赏鸟地点之一。

    Because of its diversified geography and rich natural resources , Kenting natural park has become one of the island 's major bird-watching places .

  16. 在垦丁蔚蓝的天空下,一段融合了欢笑、悲哀、期盼、梦想及爱情的故事将陆续上映。

    The story is about naive local youth , newly arrived escapists , ambitious businessmen , and environment fighters , whose laughter , tears , longings , unfulfilled dreams , and ultimately , love .

  17. 搭乘高铁与巴士向南只需四个小时就可来到占地70平方英里的垦丁国家公园,这里有美丽的湿地、白沙滩与小渔村,从今年起,游客还可以乘渡船去往海钓和潜水的天堂——兰屿。

    Four hours south by high-speed rail and bus , 70-square-mile Kenting National Park is home to wetlands , white sands , fishing villages and , starting this year , a ferry point for the deep sea fishing and diving paradise of Orchid Island .