
  • 网络EGYPTAIR;Egypt Air
  1. 年,埃及航空公司成为中东和非洲首家通过IOSA认证的航空公司,进一步展现了其对最高安全标准的承诺。

    In2004 , EgyptAir demonstrated the scale of its commitment to the highest standards of safety by being the first IOSA certified airline in the Middle East and Africa .

  2. 穆斯塔法告诉埃及航空181次航班的机组人员,他身上有炸弹,引发了全球性恐慌,并迫使飞机紧急降落在塞浦路斯拉纳卡机场。59岁的穆斯塔法是埃及人。

    Mustafa , a 59-year-old Egyptian man , sparked alerts across the planet when he told the cabin crew of EgyptAir flight 181 that he had a bomb and forced the aircraft to make an emergency landing at Cyprus 's Larnaca airport .

  3. 差不多两年后,一架从纽约飞往开罗的埃及航空公司(EgyptAir)990航班起飞后不久即在麻萨诸塞州南塔克特岛附近坠毁,机上217人全部罹难。

    Almost two years later , EgyptAir Flight 990 , with 217 people onboard , crashed off Nantucket , Mass . , shortly after taking off from New York for Cairo .

  4. 在埃及航空公司的极大贡献下,开罗国际机场已成为连接国内、地区与全球航空飞行的枢纽。

    EgyptAir is a major contributor to achieving the goal of converting Cairo international airport into a hub connecting traffic flows and serving global air travel .

  5. 被劫持的埃及航空班机上,竟有一位乘客跟劫持者合影留念,让人大跌眼镜。这位乘客是一名26岁的英国人,家住利兹。

    A passenger from the hijacked EgyptAir flight who had the cheek to take a photograph with his captor is a 26-year-old British man from Leeds .

  6. 在一个场景中,像塞缪尔•杰克逊电影中上演的情节那样,一些不怎么珍贵的货物在一架埃及航空飞机上行走。

    In a scene that played out like the plotline of a Samuel L. Jackson movie , some not-so-precious cargo made its way onto an Egypt Air flight .

  7. 二十九个塞浦路斯人已决定返回一艘埃及航空公司飞机,这在走出去时按尚未清除,从开罗在这里下车。

    Twenty-nine Cypriots were scheduled to return here aboard an Egypt Air jet , which at the time of going to press had not yet been cleared to take off from Cairo .

  8. 埃及当局表示他们正在展开调查,以确认恐怖主义是否是上周四凌晨埃及航空公司(EgyptAir)从巴黎飞往开罗的航班坠毁的原因,这引发了人们对航空旅行以及其他旅行方式的担忧。

    The fact that Egyptian authorities said that they were looking into whether terrorism had caused the crash of the EgyptAir flight from Paris to Cairo early Thursday morning raised fears about the safety of air travel and also traveling in general .