
  • 网络Mount Erebus;Mt Erebus;Erebus Volcano
  1. 这其实是来自于埃里伯斯火山中心的蒸气

    It 's steam from the molten heart of Mount Erebus ,

  2. 埃里伯斯火山山脚下

    Down at the foot of Mount Erebus ,

  3. 潜水队开始探秘埃里伯斯火山的低坡带

    The dive team begin to explore the lower slopes of Erebus ,

  4. 一些科学家来到埃里伯斯火山

    While some scientists come to Erebus

  5. 南极洲罗斯岛埃里伯斯火山斯特隆博利爆发的宽频带记录及伴随的甚长周期地震信号

    Broadband recording of Strombolian explosions and associated very-long-period seismic signals on Mount Erebus volcano , Ross Island , Antarctica