
  1. 在滦河水正常水质期,不同的投加量均能使出水浊度和CODMn达到《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T206-2005)的要求。

    The effluents ' turbidity and COD_ ( Mn ) could meet drinking water quality standards ( CJ / T206-2005 ) for Luanhe river water in nature under the different coagulant dosage .

  2. 连续运行的MBR不论投加PAC与否,出水的感官性状、NH3-N等指标均符合《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T206-2005)的要求。

    Whether dosing PAC or not , the aesthetic quality and NH3-N of treated water all could reach the requirement of Water Quality Standards for Urban Water Supply ( CJ / T206-2005 ) .

  3. 随着《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T206-2005)的颁布实施,对自来水厂的出水水质提出了更高的要求。

    The newly-issued Standard for Urban Drinking Water Quality ( CJ / T206-2005 ) regulates more stringent drinking water quality .

  4. 微絮凝-超滤工艺的出水水质均符合建设部《城市供水水质标准》(CJ/T206-2005)要求。

    The permeate quality of microflocculation-UF process conforms to the requirement of 《 Water Quality Standards for Urban Water Quality 》( CJ / T206-2005 ) issued by Ministry of Construction .

  5. 但因上海自来水需求量大、依赖黄浦江上游原水等相关因素,水质不能达到上海市乃至全国城市供水水质标准。

    But considering many other factors , such as the large demand of drinking water , dependence on the raw water of Huangpu River etc. , the drinking water quality can still not meet the requirements in Shanghai and national standards .