
chéng shì
  • city;urbanize;town;conurbation;abad
城市 [chéng shì]
  • [city] 人口密集、工商业发达的地方,通常是周围地区政治、经济、文化的中心

城市[chéng shì]
  1. 古老的运河网将这座城市分割开来。

    The city is dissected by a network of old canals .

  2. 四周的小城镇已并入这座城市。

    The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city .

  3. 新建道路将连通这个地区的主要城市。

    New roads will link the principal cities of the area .

  4. 在城市的这一地区,房屋坐落稀疏。

    The houses are spaced out in this area of town .

  5. 城市上空弥漫着死亡和腐烂的气息。

    The smell of death and decay hung over the town .

  6. 威尼斯是一座具有深厚文化和历史底蕴的美丽城市。

    Venice is a beautiful city full of culture and history .

  7. 这座城市和这个州失去了一位伟大的领袖。

    The city and the Commonwealth have lost a great leader .

  8. 这座城市的美就在于它那些宏伟的建筑。

    The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings .

  9. 这些年来这座城市发生了许多变化。

    Down through the years this town has seen many changes .

  10. 新上任的市长决心要整治好这座城市。

    The new mayor is determined to clean up the city .

  11. 城市看上去只是地平线上的一片红光。

    The city was just a red glow on the horizon .

  12. 他愤怒地谈论城市贫民的处境。

    He spoke angrily about the condition of the urban poor .

  13. 这座城市是新老建筑兼而有之。

    The city is a mixture of old and new buildings .

  14. 这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。

    The book aims to cover all aspects of city life .

  15. 这一盛事将向近150个城市同时进行电视广播。

    The event will be telecast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities .

  16. 纽约人大规模地建造自己的城市。

    New Yorkers built their city on a grand scale .

  17. 昨夜这座城市有三个区发生了战斗。

    Fighting broke out in three districts of the city last night .

  18. 未来的城市会是什么样子呢?

    What will the cities of the future look like ?

  19. 水用管子从水库输送到城市。

    Water is piped from the reservoir to the city .

  20. 这座城市附近有许多有意思的地方。

    There are many places of interest near the city .

  21. 这批新展品明年将在美国十二个城市巡回展出。

    The new exhibit will tour a dozen US cities next year .

  22. 那是在城市路与老街的交叉路口附近。

    It was near the junction of City Road and Old Street .

  23. 这个城市工人居住的老城区正在进行改造,以供较高阶层人士居住。

    Old working-class areas of the city are being gentrified .

  24. 城市的房地产价格令人望而却步。

    The price of property in the city is prohibitive .

  25. 悉尼是世界上的必游城市之一。

    Sydney is one of the world 's must-see cities .

  26. 当时我们决定,该离开城市生活了。

    We decided it was time to quit the city .

  27. 随着我们离城市越来越远,房屋也逐渐在视线中消失了。

    The houses fell away as we left the city .

  28. 这座城市正在美化自己的博物馆和美术馆。

    The city is sprucing up its museums and galleries .

  29. 城市对青年人有着强大的吸引力。

    Cities have a powerful magnetizing effect on young people .

  30. 夜间,这座城市的大街小巷笼罩着恐怖气氛。

    Fear stalks the streets of the city at night .