
  • 网络urban rail
  1. 另外,针对国内750V、1500V两种不同电压制式的城轨供电系统,文章还设想了一种可适应不同电压制式的储能方案。

    In addition , for domestic 750V , 1500V two different voltage system urban rail power supply systems , the paper also puts forward an energy storage solutions can adapt to different voltage systems .

  2. 城轨交通中直线感应牵引电机的效率最优控制

    Efficiency optimal control of linear induction motor for urban rail transit

  3. 城轨交通用直线感应电机模糊PI矢量控制

    Fuzzy-PI regulated field oriented control of linear induction motor in urban transit

  4. 基于PWM整流器的城轨牵引供电系统研究

    Research on a novel Traction Supply System for Urban Rail Transportation with PWM Rectifier

  5. BOT方式及其在城轨交通建设中的应用

    BOT Mode and Its Application in Urban Rail Transit Construction

  6. 基于ESB技术的北京城轨信息交换平台研究

    ESB Based Research of Beijing Subway Information Exchange Platform

  7. D类功率放大器在城轨交通ATP系统数字轨道电路中的应用

    Application of D-type Power Amplifier in ATP System Digital Track Circuits of Urban Transit

  8. 城轨交通ATC仿真系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of simulation system for Urban Rail Transit ATC

  9. 本论文提出了一种基于企业服务总线(ESB)技术的北京城轨信息交换平台。

    This thesis presents The Beijing Subway information exchange platform based on ESB ( Enterprise Service Bus ) .

  10. 基于复杂系统的城轨交通ATS可靠性研究

    Reliability study on urban rail transit automatic train supervision based on complex system

  11. 本文采用数字信号处理器(DSP)对城轨牵引用的大功率稀土永磁无刷直流电机进行全数字控制方式的研究。

    Brushless direct current motor drive system based on DSP in the draw motor of track vehicles is researched by digital control manner in the paper .

  12. 城轨交通ATS仿真系统数据库设计研究

    Research on the Database Of ATS Simulation System

  13. GIS是城轨交通供电系统35kV开关柜的更好选择

    GIS is an Optimized Option for 35 kV Switch Cubicle of Power Supply System in Urban Mass Transit

  14. 仿真为EP阀电磁系统的优化设计提供了理论依据,对提高城轨交通车辆电空制动系统的稳定性和可靠性具有重要的应用价值和现实意义。

    The result has offered the theoretical basis for the design optimization of EP solenoid valve , which has a great application value and practical significance .

  15. 本文提出了城轨交通列车运行自动控制(ATC)仿真系统的设计方案,阐述了ATC仿真软件的结构设计、功能设计和模块设计,并给出了一种系统实现方案。

    This article provides a whole design project of ATC simulating system , and presents the framework , the function and the module of ATC simulating software .

  16. 在轨道不平顺产生的激励下,采用DPCA算法和PLS算法进行了城轨列车悬挂系统的故障检测实验。

    In the excitation generated by track irregularity , fault detection tests of the rail transit train suspension system are carried out using the DPCA algorithm and PLS algorithm .

  17. 本文系统介绍了AFC系统的技术结构与相关设备,根据AFC的技术发展趋势和应用效果,具体提出我国城轨交通AFC系统的技术与产业发展战略实施方案。

    The paper describes the technical structure and related equipment of the AFC system and puts forward implementation solutions on the technologies and industrial development strategy of the system for China 's mass rail transit .

  18. 摘要介绍城轨交通中环境与设备监控系统(bas)的典型系统结构,包括独立系统结构和集成系统结构;通过对比,分析系统结构的特点、利弊和采用条件。

    The paper introduces two typical structures of BAS system in urban rail transit , that is , the independent system structure and integrated system structure , analyzing through comparison the features , virtues and defects of the two systems and the conditions that permit to adopt these two systems .

  19. 城轨交通监控系统中异步传输模式的应用

    Application of ATM in Closed Circuit Television of Urban Rail Transit

  20. 灰色预测法在城轨客流预测中的应用

    The Application of the Grey Prediction on Passenger Flow in UMT

  21. 城轨车制动盘的发热验算

    Checkup of Heat Giving of Brake Discs for Urban Rail Cars

  22. 工业以太网在城轨交通传输系统中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of Industrial Ethernet in Urban Rail Transit Communication System

  23. 城轨车辆直线电机牵引控制系统国产化的研究

    Localization Study on Traction Control System for LIM of Metro Vehicle

  24. 城轨车辆车钩缓冲器的配置与能量吸收挂钩连接火车车厢的挂钩

    Coupler and buffer configuration and energy absorption of mass transit vehicles

  25. 城轨列车故障救援与停车线设计

    Metro Train Breakdown Rescue and the Design of Vehicle Parking Lines

  26. 城轨交通信号系统资源共享与互联互通

    Resource Sharing and Interoperability of Signaling System in Urban Rail Transit

  27. 新型城轨用密接式车钩国产化研究

    Study on Home-made New Tight-lock Coupler for the City Truck Traffic

  28. 武汉城轨交通供电系统及其可靠性研究

    Reliability Research of Urban Rail Transit Power Supply System in Wuhan

  29. 城轨车辆碰撞安全性的现代设计理念

    Modern Design Concept on Crash Safety of Urban Rail Vehicles

  30. 武汉城轨车辆辅助电源系统及其改进

    Improvement of auxiliary power supply system for Wuhan transit vehicles