
  • 网络Urban Residents;town;city dweller
城镇居民 [chéng zhèn jū mín]
  • [towner]∶在城镇居住、生活的人,也指有城镇户口,享有粮食配给、招工等权利的居民

  1. 北京、西安等城镇居民生态支付意愿问卷调查

    600 Questionnaire Reports of Urban Residents of Beijing , Xi'an , Ansai

  2. 第四章在VAR模型的基础上实证分析城镇居民收入分配不平等程度对消费需求的影响。

    The fourth chapter is empirical analysis about how the inequality of income distribution of urban residents impacts consumption .

  3. 绝大多数人口都是城镇居民。

    Most of the population is an urban population

  4. 集贸是城镇居民的主要贸易方式。

    Fairs are the main form of trade for township people .

  5. 大多数的非洲城镇居民为少数富人工作,而这些富人往往来自依靠裙带关系而发家的企业或在政界工作。

    Most urban Africans work for a small minority of the rich , who tend to be involved in either cronyishbusinesses or politics .

  6. 卢登伯格称,握手作为打招呼的方式在一些偏僻的地方保留了下来,比如荷兰的某些城镇居民会用握手来言和。

    According to Roodenburg , handshaking survived in a few niches , like in Dutch towns where they 'd use the gesture to reconcile after disagreements .

  7. 分城乡看,城镇居民人均可支配收入24125元,同比名义增长11.4%,扣除价格因素,实际增长10.7%;农村居民人均可支配收入9248元,同比名义增长14.6%,扣除价格因素,实际增长14.1%。居民消费支出情况

    Separately , urban per capita disposable income came in at 24125 yuan , up 11.4 percent in nominal terms , and 10.7 percent in real terms , while income in rural areas stood at 9248 yuan , up 14.6 percent in nominal terms , and 14.1 percent in real terms .

  8. 最后借助PANELDATA模型将中国城镇居民住房消费的地区效应和时间效应等潜变量成功地定量识别,并对计量结果进行了现实佐证。

    Lastly , the Panel Data model helps to distinguish quantitatively the potential factors of both district and time effects , and to offer the practical evidence as well .

  9. 城镇居民可支配收入、房屋竣工面积、国内货币供给和GDP不是引起房价变动的主要因素。

    Furthermore , personal income , housing completion and M1 and GDP are not main factors causing the change of property price .

  10. 东北平原城镇居民地TM图像自动提取模型研究

    A study on automatic extraction model for the residential area of cities in the Northeast Plain from TM image

  11. 方法采用与规模大小成比例(PPS)的两阶段分层抽样法选择了583名城镇居民和429名农村居民,由调查员对调查对象进行一对一的问卷调查。

    Methods A two-stage cluster sampling with probability proportional to size ( PPS ) was conducted .

  12. 利用2000~2004年12个省市面板数据构建消费需求Working模型,实证分析了21世纪我国沿海地区城镇居民食品需求情况。

    This paper uses panel data of 12 provinces from 2000 to 2004 to model Working Model , and empirically analyzes the food demand of urban residents in Chinese inshore areas in the 21st century .

  13. 青海省城镇居民消费需求的ELES模型分析

    Analysis on the Consumption Demand of the Urban Resident in Qinghai by ELES Model

  14. 我国近年来城乡居民收入稳定增长,人均GDP已达1000美元,城镇居民消费的恩格尔系数下降至37.9%。

    In recent years , the incomes of urban and rural residents in our country have grown . steadily and per capital GDP has reached 1000 , the engel coefficient has dropped to 37.9 percentage .

  15. Logistic曲线模型预测是一种重要的趋势外推预测方法,作者以重庆市城镇居民收入预测为例,说明Logistic曲线模型预测方法在经济预测中的应用。

    Logistic curve model is the important one of time series forecasting methods . The article applies this model to chongqing urban inhabitant income forecast in order to explain Logistic curve model 's application in the economics .

  16. 在具体评价城镇居民消费质量时,本文分别使用Logistic回归分析和判别分析来建立哈尔滨市城镇居民消费质量判别函数。

    In evaluating consumption quality of urban residents of Harbin , the paper separately uses Logistic regression analysis and discriminant analysis to establish the discriminant function of the urban residents ' consumption quality on the basis of Harbin , respectively .

  17. 然后,采用了Johansen协整检验与误差修正模型研究了我国城镇居民家庭消费支出和通货膨胀之间的关系。

    Then , the relationship between urban consumption and inflation in China was studied by means of Johansen Test and Error Correction Model .

  18. 文章首先从城镇居民的休闲需求和休闲特征、一般城市内部的类RBD现象、形象设计领域的深入和大旅游得到日益关注的背景条件下,展开对本文写作意义的陈述。

    First , the thesis discusses the meaning and importance why author does this research , which is done from backgrounds of city inhabitant 's leisure requirement and characteristic , similar-RBD phenomena in common city , image designing field 's developing and the more being concerned big-tourism .

  19. 我国城镇居民住宅负担能力的灰色关联度分析

    To Analyze Chinese Townspeople 's Housing Affordability by Grey Correlative Degree

  20. 我国市场化改革与城镇居民收入分配

    China 's Market Transition and the Income Distribution in Urban Residents

  21. 北京城镇居民消费观念转变调查分析

    The Analysis of the Changes in the Consumption Ideas in Beijing

  22. 武汉市城镇居民基本医疗保险制度的探讨

    Discussion on the Basic Medical Insurance System for Wuhan Urban Resident

  23. 城镇居民医疗消费行为模型的理论与实证研究

    An Theoretical and Empirical Study on Medical Consumption Behavior in Citizens

  24. 保障对象是低收入和最低收入城镇居民家庭;

    The guarantee targets should be the families of low-income residents ;

  25. 影响城镇居民环境意识的因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Environmental Consciousness of Urban Residents

  26. 我国城镇居民消费行为的阶段及倾向分析

    Analyses of phase and propensity for Chinese town resident consumption behavior

  27. 新时期城镇居民消费热点探析

    Exploring the Consumption Preferences of Urban Residents in the New Era

  28. 甘肃省城镇居民收入差距扩大的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of the Widening Income Gap between Urban Dwellers of Gansu

  29. 甘肃省城镇居民太极拳健身行为的社会学分析

    Sociological Analysis on Taijiquan Fitness Behavior of Town Residents in Gansu Province

  30. 新疆干旱地区城镇居民硒水平

    Study on the selenium level of cities people in Xinjiang