
  • 网络urban network
  1. 市场群落、企业群落与城镇网络&兼论长江三角洲都市经济圈联动发展模式

    The Agglomerations of Market , Enterprise & Urban Network

  2. 本文的创新之处有三,其一是运用经济理论及方法以辽宁省为实证分析论证了城镇网络体系与区域经济发展的互动关系;

    The innovation of this article is three points . First , it proves the interactive relationships between urban network system and regional economic development in Liaoning .

  3. 东北地区城镇网络体系的发展演变及现状分析。

    Northeast evolution of urban networks and present situation analysis .

  4. 小城镇网络地理信息系统研究及应用

    Research and Application of Web GIS in the Small Town

  5. 东北地区城镇网络体系规划分析

    The programe analysis of the north-east area 's city and town net system

  6. 第三章重点对辽宁省的城镇网络体系与区域经济发展的互动关系进行了分析。

    The third chapter makes a selective analysis on relationships between urban development and economic development .

  7. 形成具动态平衡,非均衡协调发展,辐射带动的全国城镇网络发展体系。

    Form to development balanced , not balanced coordinative development , radiate the nation-wide town network driven to develop system .

  8. 最后尝试在这些分析的基础上,运用博弈论的知识对城镇网络进行数理分析。

    And based on all the analyses , the writer continues to make a mathematical analysis of the town network by applying game theory .

  9. 城镇网络体系与区域经济发展的关系研究丰富了区域经济发展研究的内容,也对城镇体系的更深一步的研究起到了补充作用。

    Studying of the relations between urban network system and regional economic development enriches the study content of regional economic development , and reinforces the further study of urban system .

  10. 文章首先阐明了城镇网络化的概念,并全面分析了西部地区之所以要走城镇网络化发展之路的主要原因。

    So , this paper explains the concept of urban_rural networking development firstly , and comprehensively analyses the main reasons that the western regions of China should choose the way of urban_rural networking development .

  11. 辽宁省是城市化进程较早、城市化水平较高的地区,其城镇网络体系的形成与发展以及与区域经济发展的关系,在振兴东北老工业基地这样一个背景下,值得研究。

    Liaoning province is a district which is earlier than other provinces in urbanization and has higher urbanization level . It is worth of studying that the relationships between development of urban network system and regional economic development at the background of developing old industry base in northeast of China .

  12. 构建城镇医保网络的几种方法研究

    Research on Building City Hospitalization Insurance Network

  13. 城镇区域网络空间结构是由城镇间的联系网络构成的空间等级结构,是交通网络、经济网络、信息网络相互叠加、复合形成的结果。

    Network space structure of urban area is the space level structure composed of associative network between different cities . It is the result of traffic network , economic network , and information network stack with each other .

  14. 但缘于内向型经济格局的制约,加之地理的封闭和特定的生存环境,直至19世纪末,广西仍未形成全省统一性的城镇商业网络体系。

    But due to the limitation of diffident economic pattern , the close geography and given survival environment , up to the end of 19th century , the commercial networks of towns with oneness hadn 't come into being in Guangxi yet .

  15. 浅谈中小城镇双向HFC网络的改造

    Talk about Reformation of Town Bi - directional HFC Network

  16. 小城镇物流配送网络再路由策略

    Re-routing Strategy for Town 's Logistic Delivery Networks

  17. 针对存在的问题,提出将宁波市建设成为长三角最大的后勤中心、提升中心城区的功能和产业结构、农村城镇之间实行网络化发展、以及用工业化理念来经营农业等对策和措施。

    Proposals have been given , such as establishing the logistic center , enhancing functions of the center city and the net development of the towns etc.

  18. 对城镇医疗保险信息网络的建设进行了研究,根据计算机与通讯技术,尤其是网络接入技术的新发展,提出了几种建立城镇医疗保险信息网络的方案。

    This paper gives a research on building city hospitalization insurance network , and brings forward some solutions for this network according to the development of computer and communication technology , especially network interconnecting technology .

  19. 在信息化建设方面,济南市加快了信息化社会建设的步伐,通过采用统一标准的有线、无线技术,建成覆盖城镇的宽带接入网络。

    In the informationization construction aspect , Jinan sped up the step which the informationization society constructs , through uses the unified standards wired , the wireless technology , completes covers the cities the broadband access network .

  20. 城镇体系和公路网络是两个庞大复杂的系统,此前,人们为研究这两个复杂系统的形态特征作了大量的工作,取得了丰硕的成果。

    Urban system and highway networks are two large and complex systems , before , a lot of work was made to study the morphological characteristics of the two complex systems , and fruitful results were achieved .

  21. 但有一个特例值得关注:当城镇地区建好高速网络的时候,最高收入工人的薪资通常会进一步增长,换言之,本来预计受益最少的人,最终却受益最大。

    But there is one notable exception : when high-speed Internet arrived in urban areas , the highest-earning workers typically saw their wages jump even further . The people who were expected to benefit least , in other words , ended up gaining most .

  22. 我国西南地区小城镇的经济建设模式及其城镇网络的数理分析

    Economy Development Models of China Southwest Small Towns and Mathematical Analysis of the Town Network

  23. 在分析重庆直辖市城镇化现状的基础上,针对重庆城镇网络中存在的问题,依据重庆发展城镇网络的优势,提出了建立新的城镇网络的基本思路和构想、相关的对策与建议。

    On the basis of analysing situation of urbanization in Chongqing , this thesis proposed the fundamental thinking and conception plus the related counter measures and suggestions according to the existing problems in the urban network of new Chongqing and advantages of developing the network .

  24. 21世纪人类社会正在进入一个崭新的城市文明时代,城市化快速地发展,城镇在发展过程中产生相互之间的有机联系&构成城镇体系网络。

    In the 21st century human society is entering a new era of urban civilization and urbanization develops rapidly , and urban system network constitute when towns have organic links with each other in the process .

  25. 钦州市城城镇化发展应强化各级中心城镇的规模,凸现城镇的个性,推动区域整体发展和城乡一体化的进程,形成城镇网络,走城镇与区域可持续发展之路。

    In order to develop towns , we should promote and enhance the formation of various central cities and towns , push ahead with the whole region , advance the course of integration of rural-urban area , and make a sustainable development for the towns and the whole region .

  26. 其分布与发展特点如下:第一,城镇向沿江集聚;第二,城镇向深度内涵式发展;第三,南北差异加大;第四,城镇呈现系统网络式发展。

    The character of its distribution and development were as follows : Firstly , towns gathered together toward along-river ; secondly , towns developed towards deep content ; thirdly , differences between the south and the north enlarged ; fourthly , the development of the town presented the systematic network .

  27. 河南城镇化目标模式:以大城市为中心,以中等城市为纽带,以各具特色的城镇群为依托,形成河南城镇网络。

    Here is the target model : with big cities as centers and medium-sized cities as ties to form a network of towns .