
  • 网络Base Station Subsystem;bss;BTS;BSS Base Station Subsystem
  1. 管理日常测量和观察工作。例如运行和终止基站子系统和网络交换系统的日常测量。

    Management of measurements and observations i.e starting and stopping measurements in BSS and NSS .

  2. CDMA基站子系统同步原理和实现技术

    The Synchronization Principle and Realization Technique of Base Station Subsystem in CDMA

  3. PHS基站子系统规划设计的方法及技术要点

    PHS Base Station Subsystem Planning Solution and Main Technical Points

  4. IS-95ACDMA移动通信基站子系统

    IS-95A CDMA Mobile Communication Base Station Subsystem

  5. 鉴于以上情况,我们设计了一种可以独立工作的基站子系统(称为智能基站),它可与不同厂家生产的MPT-1327集群系统配套使用,能透明地延伸现有系统的覆盖范围。

    We design a base station subsystem which can work independently ( called intelligent base station ), it is compatible with different systems manufactured by various companies , and can extend the covering range of current MPT-1327 trunking system transparently .

  6. 伪卫星定位的基站子系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Pseudolites Positioning Base Station Subsystem

  7. 最后维护基站子系统数据库,确保升级后的数据库内配置可以正常运行。

    The maintenance work of Base Station System Data Base could keep the configuration of database correctly and the system works normally after software-upgrade .

  8. 配置管理中的软件下载模块就是实现对基站、交换机子系统上运行的软件进行升级的模块。

    The software download module in configuration management which implements the software running on the radio side and the switch side .