
  • 网络base class;class Base;System.Web.UI.Control
  1. 假设有个类型D,它的基类B实现了某些接口。

    Suppose you have a derived class D whose base class B has implemented some interfaces .

  2. NET平台看做是运行时环境和全面基类库。

    NET can be understood as a runtime environment and a comprehensive base class library .

  3. 所以下面我们会有一个开关基类Switch

    So , we will have a base Switch class as follows

  4. HPLC法测定蟾皮中蟾毒配基类成分的含量

    Determination of the content of bufogenin in toad skin by HPLC

  5. 创建和维护线程的基类是Thread。从类到社会

    The base type of establishing and maintaining is Thread . From Humanity to Society

  6. 基类获取format,这是一个指定了要使用的数据格式的字符串。

    The base class takes format , a string that specifies the data format to use .

  7. 第一个类扩展Page(所有页面组件的基类)。

    Your first class extends from Page , which is the base class for all of your page components .

  8. 基类A有一个名为mnA的成员。

    The base class , A , has a member named m_nA .

  9. 尽管这可能是有害的,但是想象一下如果Internal是您内部类的基类时会发生什么呢。

    Although this might seem harmless , imagine what would happen if Internal were a base class for many of your internal classes .

  10. 相反,如果试图在基类中直接调用Enhance,则可能会遇到问题。

    You would have run into trouble , instead , if you tried to call Enhance directly in the base class .

  11. 导出插件的基类还定义了term()回调,用于结束导出会话。

    The base class of export plug-in also defines a term () callback for the end of an export session .

  12. top对象类是LDAP中所有对象类的基类。

    The top object class is the base class for all object classes in LDAP .

  13. NET开发平台,利用ADO.NET的强大数据访问功能,设计了一个适应访问不同数据库且具备基本数据访问应用功能的基类。

    Net development platform a base class was designed that could access different database and has general data access applied function .

  14. 有了VB之后,您就可以简单地使用基类来实现同样的功能了。

    With VB , you can use normal base classes .

  15. 基类由设计器宿主实现,以便提供对web项目文档中定义的类型、指令和用户控件的访问。

    Base class is implemented by designer hosts to provide access to types , directives , and user controls defined in a web project document .

  16. 我将首先创建一个基类,用于容纳Entity对象的一个实例。

    I 'll start by creating a base class that holds an instance of an Entity object .

  17. 基类中的所有基本属性都是在XML中建模的,并可以用简单的格式定义。

    All of the base attributes from the standard classes are modeled in XML and can be defined using a simple format .

  18. 要使得框架简单,所有附加的SOA错误处理都将作为继承此基类的子类。

    To keep the framework simple , all additional SOA error handlers will sub-class from this base class .

  19. 示差扫描量热法(DSC)研究乙烯基类聚合物/蒙脱土纳米复合鞣剂的鞣制机理

    Study on Tanning Mechanism of Vinyl Polymer / Montmorillonite Nano-tanning Agent with DSC

  20. 在Java代码中使用一个用于调查的基类构建应用程序逻辑,以进行问卷调查。

    The application logic for the survey is built within the Java code , using a base class for the survey .

  21. 过硫酸盐-N,N,N′,N′-四甲基乙二胺体系引发乙烯基类单体聚合动力学的研究

    Studies on the kinetics of vinyl polymerization initiated with peroxydisulfate and n , n , n ' , n ' - tetramethylethylenediamine system

  22. 如果没有预包装的Style类符合您的需要,那么您可以定义Style基类的子类,并定义自己的命名约定。

    If none of the prepackaged Style classes fit your needs , you can subclass the base Style class and define your own naming conventions .

  23. TemplateMethod模式定义了基类算法的骨架,使用了抽象方法和覆盖将具体细节放到子类中。

    The Template Method pattern defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class , using abstract methods and overriding to defer individual details to child classes .

  24. POJO继承由ApacheClick发行版提供的基类。

    The POJOs inherit from base classes provided by the Apache Click distribution .

  25. 它是所有Flex应用程序的基类。

    This is the base class of any Flex application .

  26. 这个repository泛型基类通过使用不同的工厂类发送和接收特定领域的对象。

    This generic repository base class sends and retrieves specific domain objects by using various factory classes .

  27. CS药材中所含蟾毒配基类和蟾毒色胺类是CS注射液的主要有效成分。

    The bufogenins and bufotenidines of CS were the major effective components of CS injection .

  28. 不在需要继承基类。类就是具体的类(没有抽象)也没有XML文件。

    There are no base classes to extend from , the classes are concrete ( not abstract ), and there 's no XML file .

  29. JSF的大多数功能来自基类。

    Most of JSF 's functionality comes from base classes .

  30. D通过B也就自动实现了那些接口。如果你在D的基类列表中显式声明了这些接口的话,那么C编译器将会做一次接口重新实现。

    D automatically implements those interfaces via B.If you restate the interfaces in D 's base class list then the C # compiler will do an interface reimplementation .